How come we experience so much more inflation than deflation? in other words, why does our buying power decrease far more often than it increases? to – 453 points –

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Yes, this is true but you also have to factor in the marginal propensity to consume, or in plain English, the poorer you are the more of your income you have to spend on necessities like rent or groceries.

There are always high interest investments available to people with a large amounts of spare cash floating about even when inflation is low.

If your rent + utilities + food = your income then you ain't hoarding money even in a deflationary spiral.

No, but you are more likely to get fired and lose your income as demand for labor drops.

Always. If inflation runs away, the poor suffer. If we get stuck in a deflationary cycle the poor suffer. Apparently it is impossible to construct an equitable system that works without gross inequality (spoiler: it isn't but some people love inequality and will do anything to prevent things being distributed more equally.)