Looking for suggestions for a place to move in the US as a remote employee
So the work I do is 100% remote now. I moved to Southern California because of an industry that has in part moved to remote work. My only requirements are a temperate climate, nature access and hopefully a blue-ish state. Is there a place out there that makes sense financially? I’m hoping to buy a house less then 500k. I don’t need access to large cities as I honestly don’t do anything. The only requirement I can think of is access to solid internet as I stream full screen video for what I do.
I’m currently looking at Michigan and Virginia as options.
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I've been thinking of Puerto Rico.
Mostly all the natural beauty and the low cost of living.
I visited for a few months and loved it.
power goes out 12 times a week, water's on for only 5 hours a week, internet drops out every 2 hours, (only alternate option is musky), no cops, no fire dept, no schools, trash is just piled up with no plan whatsoever, no public transit, more superfund sites per sq mile than any state, more taxes than in the USA, .... hurricanes, earthquakes and narcos.
if you knew all that, why would you choose Puerto Rico?
I visited for 2 months the only one of these I experienced was the internet going out once.
That's just not true at all.
I'm from NYC, so I guess I'm just used to trash.
That's true, but apartments in the middle of the city are so cheap that most things were within walking distance for me.
I've never looked at this when deciding where to live, but I just looked it up and there are way more within 50 miles of me than there are in all of Puerto Rico.
Still way cheaper cost of living than where I live.
Those are the only things you mentioned that are an actual concern to me. Since I work remotely, I'd have the luxury of leaving temporary if there was a massive natural disaster.