Reddit Admin team asking for volunteer moderators at tons of subreddits to – 1353 points –

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r/therapy and r/anxietyhelp

I'm sure this will go well.

Yep, some of these subs require a lot more than just passive moderation. The mods really ought to be qualified to evaluate the advice and support provided by posts and comments. Any joe shmoe is going to have a much harder time understanding when someone is getting bad advice from fake experts. I mean, the two you mentioned are pretty bad, but gods save the souls who are unprepared to moderate r/beardadvice.

Oh wow, I didn’t even think about how bad beard advice could get. It’s easy to forget there’s skin under there, and then… well, good luck with that, lol.

Because it could literally be life or death, I wouldn't put it past them to take a page from the ED warmline and try using bots. It sure worked for NEDA... /s