Custom Jerboa App Icons! More Details in Post to – 193 points –

I'm a huge fan of the Jerboa app, and it's the closest experience I've gotten to RiF from any of the Lemmy apps. It's been a pleasure to use despite the occasional hiccups, but one thing that I thought I could personally contribute to was the icon for the app itself. I thought I'd share them with the community, in case if anyone wanted to download them to use for themselves :)

The above Google Drive link contains the five icons featured in the post, and if you guys have any ideas, suggestions, or specific assets you want, feel free to let me know and I can add them to the folder or reply with it in a comment. Things like color changes don't take much time at all, so don't hesitate to ask for something custom!


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These look awesome! This might be asking too much, but I'll try anyway: I use the Whicons icon pack for the minimalist, monochrome white theme. Would you be able to make a version of these with just the plain white outline and transparent background?

arcticons dark already has that icon

That's not bad actually, impressive how many FOSS apps that icon pack covers. It's a bit of a different style to whicons still.

I think something like the top right icon in the image, just without the background circle, would be perfect.

Thanks! Apologies for the delay, was out this entire morning and just got back to my PC. Two files should be added to the drive folder named Lemmy_WhiteOutline and Lemmy_WhiteFill. One of the two should be what you're looking for, but if not, just lemmy know

Awesome! This looks great, thank you so much! Perhaps Jerboa should include these various community icons natively...