Reddit Admin team asking for volunteer moderators at tons of subreddits to – 1353 points –

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Lol yeah have a look at moderator TheYellowRose, she has an agenda to push and immediately bans and mutes anybody she disagrees with.

I've seen post of women asking about hair style advice and she bans them because they are not black enough for that hairstyle lmfao misery needs company, or a subreddit to mod lol

Let me guess someone wanted dreadlocks... Which are Nordic in origin. They are so ignorant but think they are the smartest person in the room. Truly baffling.

I don't mind the ban in all honesty, well I miss the niche ones that weren't toxic. They are going to nuke the most active and the site will be an echo chamber of bots and NPCs and more people will walk away.

So I found your comment about dreadlocks being Nordic interesting and looked it up. Wikipedia claims that oldest depictions of dreadlocks date to the Minoan Civilization on Crete. They are also found in Asia and the Americas which could indicate they are a much older (or common) hairstyle. All very interesting!