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Joined 12 months ago

This how people are gonna find out how bad of an idea to allow the manufacturer to have that much control over your car after purchase. Tesla will shut their cars off if they find them jail breaked.

Just like the guy that wasn't allowed to fix the cooling hose on the battery Tesla's only option was to replace it. A third party fixed it but he still had concerns that they would shut it off (citing safety) because he wouldn't buy a whole new battery after he fixed it. Also barring him from quick charge stations was another concern.

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Aaron was reddit, and since his passing its shit now.

RIP Mr Swartz, you are sorely missed.

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Sand? They are speculating a year worth of rain in a very short time. Flash flooding is going to be insane. I suggest you do what we do during hurricanes on the right coast.


Nothing is worth your life or the life of your family and friends.

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They nuked almost all my accounts the other day. I talked a bunch of shit on the direction they are going and missing Aaron's leadership. I walked away and here I am. One account I never log in on and with only 3 posts, perma banned. It was obviously targeted...

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I had this exact thing happen to me, they wanted me to move from a tax free state to LA. I said no and they came back we promised your position to another employee. I said ok I need at least a 50% raise to counter the cost of living and taxes. They balked and thought they could push me into it. I stood my ground to stay in my current position and they had to fire me, which looks bad on them as I had no infractions.

I collected, didn't have to pay back my relocation (over 20k) and had a job that I pushed off until near end of unemployment. Thanks for the free long vacation! I went to China and HK (this is before the chaos) for a few months

I guess /r/banpitbulls is starting on Lemmy. I'm ok w/ that...

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Sub-standard "spicy pillows" need to be banned. The amount of energy and that fact that water or any normal ABC extinguisher cant put the fire out is enough for me to get really strict on regulating them. Especially in apartment/condos

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I have a friend that has tourrette's we have drag him kicking and screaming to go out. Its a horrible affliction, and he has one of the mildest forms. Just random head ticks no outbursts. Also he won't drink as the ticks become more frequent and extreme.

But we'll be damned that he stays hold in his house. After we get him out he enjoys himself once his nerves calm down and he realizes nobody is staring when he ticks.

I'm betting they are sharing the power with Belgium. So if thats the case they are being a great neighbor.

weaponized autism at work.

Why should the US bail them out when 90% of their bad investments are in mainland china? Let them fold.

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"PC load letter? What the fuck does that mean?"

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Hey kid, I'm a computer. Stop all the downloading.

Help computer.

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Lather my hands and hit my crevasses.

6 more...

Most people quit because of bad bosses. I know I have...

I never wait for the federal government to tell me when its a good time to leave.

Also consider when was the last tropical storm to hit SoCal? I was in Hurricane Gloria that made it to New England. that area hadn't been hit by a real cyclonic storm in ages. It was a bloody mess, no power for near a week, can't travel as all the roads have trees across them, etc.

The the same will happen there is its even a moderate tropical storm. Then if FEMA tells you to evac there won't be a viable route out. So like Gloria you are stuck in place in a desert climate in late summer.

Go to Scottsdale, have a mini vacation. If its a big nothing burger then you got nice few days out of LA. If it ends up a shit show you dodged a bullet w/ a nice few day w/o dealing w/ any of it.

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Don't give the Poles a reason to decimate russians, they are itching for it.

I just went thru this w/ Progressive. They basically demanded that I install the app to make a claim. I have a DOD phone and I can't install anything on it. Whats a shit show...

14 more...

They IP banned me on all my accts for standing up to their BS. Banned accts that have only 1 post. Its insanity over there, seem like a desperate attempt to change the narrative\reinsert control and its working exactly the opposite.

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I'm an adult that loves his chocolate milk! Take that vice!

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The 5G cancer thing is laughable, C-band and Ka-band have been in use for years. I have been around them (plus X/Ku/L/S bands) for decades I'm still here. I have been exposed accidentally over 1000x times the FCC limits for more than a short time in the 90's and am still here. Non ionizing radiation isnt that bad.

You know (other than the accidental breaches) is the worst leaking device onsite. The microwave oven.

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They have jumped the shark, going the way of Digg, the death spiral. Bannings and mod replacements are the start. pr0n will be banned in 3... 2... 1...

tumblr 2.0 after they get their fat stacks of cash. But I think the VC's are now aware and spez won't get as much money has he hopes for that dead eye POS

Virginian resident here, WE OWN YA'LL!


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Honored to teach you about Aaron Swartz,


He was the best of us and the jack boots murdered him. Free flow of ideas and knowledge, we cant have that. And reddit went to shit after... Again he was a poet warrior, I wish he was still here.

Good luck! Hope you get well soon!


And that view far from sucks lol

I doubt its legal to do so, ITAR regulations come to mind first.

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They lost me when they multi acct/IP banned me over being super critical over how far they strayed from Aaron's vision of what reddit is supposed to be.

Also they are banning low level pr0n subs as a precursor to the tumblr purges to make them look good to investors.

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Bring in an independent contractor w/ ground penetrating radar to corroborate the story. They can see thru asphalt and tell if the ground has been disturbed deep. Also look to see if their is an area of subsidence in the asphalt. Another sign of digging deep and not repacking proper and something decomposing and leaving a void..

Also the people that want to develop the land might want in as they are paying taxes on a useless plot. Also local media, true crime bloggers/youtubers, etc. The more light you shine the less likely they can go after you.

  • RMA Armament is named for providing the body armor Gendron wore during the shooting.

No he bought it.

  • Vintage Firearms of Endicott, New York, is singled out for selling the shooter the weapon used in the attack.

Not their issue he passed the background check.

  • The lawsuit claims Mean LLC manufactured an easily removable gun lock, offering a way to circumvent New York laws prohibiting assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.

Any knob w/ a dremel can make a gun full auto, let alone defeating a mag lock. And he broke NY law doing this.

  • YouTube, named with parent companies Alphabet Inc. and Google, is accused of contributing to the gunman’s radicalization and helping him acquire information to plan the attack.

This is just absurd.

My guess is they are hoping for settlements vs going to trial where they lose.

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There are other uses of incandescent bulb beyond lighting. We use them to heat small enclosures in the winter and we have light to work in the space if that needss to happen. To use heat tape or space heaters is far more likely to catch fire.

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The only way is forward, retreat is not an option.

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That happened? Not being smart/snarky but I really don't follow hollywood gossip/fact/tmz/etc

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I feel you, I was a reddit mod for a bunch of subs. Its not worth it.

They nuked me for being a flag bearer for Aaron and highly critical of the direction they were going pre API chaos. 6 accounts perm banned even though I only used two to mod w/ and get mouthy. Now IP banned, I wear that as a badge of honor.

But in seriousness we need to ban pit bulls and my dumbass will mod the sub to get people to see they are a bad breed.

Well if it was 6 fingers I know a guy looking for that guy. His name is Inigo Montoya. He killed his father, he should prepare to die.

old.lemmy.world is a God send, haven't been back to reddit since!

I would like to know that 100%. The mother corporation can push their debt onto subsidiaries like the US holdings.

I have seen this happen a few times when the company I work for get bought out/taken over. These were multinationals, but no bankruptcies happened. We just had to suck it up and pay it down...

Never brush your teeth w/ a jigsaw.

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