Synology Photos Slow to – 12 points –

I recently acquired a second hand DS216j with 6TB (SHR1 so only 3TB is usable). I moved all my Google Photos images and videos onto it, but now when I access it through QuickConnect it loads them really slow, the videos are constantly buffering and when they load they have a messed up framerate (really jittery). I have a 500 fibre connection and the station is connected to the router through an ethernet cable. Any idea how I could possibly fix this? Thanks


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Which option is it? Also, is it secure?

I'm using QuickConnect relay atm.

"Configure port forwarding" covers pretty much all of the steps. I don't think that it would be any less secure than quickconnect through a relay, but if security is a priority, then look into setting up a VPN to your network instead.

I just checked and my router doesn't allow for DDNS so this option won't work for me unfortunately.

You can run a DDNS service on a machine within the network if your router doesn't have the configuration available.

But said machine would have to run 24/7 for this to work correct?

Not necessarily, anytime it was on it would update the ddns service with the correct IP address. As far as I'm aware, your dynamic IP doesn't change too frequently. There would be some downtime if your ISP assigned you a new dynamic IP while the machine was powered down but it would correct itself as soon as the machine came online again.

I'm not an expert but I think this is accurate.

Edit: Does Synology have a ddns app? Or is it possible to install a ddns service via the command line? It would be cool if the NAS could send the update!