People Aren’t Facing Up to the Horrors a New Trump Term Would Bring | G’bye, NATO. G’bye, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. G’bye, democracy. He’s telling us plain as day. Why aren’t people listening? to – 299 points –
People Aren’t Facing Up to the Horrors a New Trump Term Would Bring

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Reading the article makes my blood run cold and starting to think about moving to Europe, and I'm not even that marginalized. White, male, gay, mostly cis. But then, if the US withdraws from NATO won't Russia run amok in Europe? Is this WWIII?

The US is far too large and powerful a nation to hide from. The consequences of four more years of Trump climate policy alone will find you anywhere on this planet. You cannot run away from the fallout of a second Trump term just by moving to a different continent. Only choice is to stay and help the fight against it.

There's a lot to worry about from a second Trump presidency, but Russia running amok in Europe isn't one of them. They're having enough trouble running amok on the eastern fringes of Ukraine.

Isn't a large part of their trouble that NATO is supplying Ukraine?

They didn't start that until the war was well underway, and Russia was already stopped in it's tracks.

Also: much of that hardware is coming from Europe, not the US. Also: if NATO disbanded, Europe would have to ramp up military spending: Trump's big complaint was that France and Germany aren't carrying their weight.

(ed: fix autocorrect error)