The Pentagon doesn’t need $886bn. I oppose this bloated defense budget | Bernie Sanders to – 355 points –
The Pentagon doesn’t need $886bn. I oppose this bloated defense budget | Bernie Sanders

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This is suspiciously similar to Trump's anti-military rhetoric. And at this of all times, when that very same military is engaged in defending a sovereign nation from being conquered by an infamously brutal dictator.

Just whose side are you on, Mr Sanders?

You are suggesting Bernie is doing this as some secret team-up with Trump, which I think is just super funny. I’d watch the shit out of that cartoon

Wouldn't be the first time Sanders did something that was awfully convenient for Trump…

What other conspiracies you got? I’m entertained. Doesn’t have to be politics

My cat is secretly planning to murder the cat hair brush.

You can tell by the fact that he tries to murder it whenever I use it on him.