So Elon's a "visionary" who wants to turn X into a single website where you can do everything — kinda like Yahoo!

AJ to – 440 points –

So Elon's a "visionary" who wants to turn X into a single website where you can do everything — kinda like Yahoo!

He wants his new MySpaceX portal to be a website...

Where you can message people:!\_Messenger

Where you can stream audio:

Where you can stream videos:!\_Screen

Where you can create social media posts:!\_360%C2%B0

Where you can manage your finances:!\_Finance

Where you can share photos:!\_Photos

Where you can earn money publishing content:!\_Publisher\_Network

Where you can find a job:!\_HotJobs

Where you can buy and sell stuff:!\_Auctions

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this truly is a vision for the future — if by "the future" you mean 1997.

#tech #technology #twitter #X #musk #ElonMusk @technology #yahoo


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I switched to Mastodon yesterday.

hell yes

Just a question: how do I link to my mastodon profile on something like Bandcamp? It doesn't accept the URL starting with the @ :/

Link to your URL on your home instance, e.g. https://mastodon.something/@myname

I was under the impression I can also see Mastodon posts on Lemmy? Sorry, I still don't get the Fediverse.

Yes, but it’s a bit weird and the interface isn’t designed for it. I keep them separate, but I could see it being useful in a pinch.

A few weeks ago I found that the server software of Lemmy wasn't really prepared for that yet. You were able to open a Mastodon users profile (it wasnt easy, though), but you werent able to subscribe to it as on Lemmy you cannot subscribe to users, and since content is only synced to Lemmy (e.g. from a community) if users are subscribed to it on your server, posts of Mastodon users didnt get synced, and so you didnt see anything.

I don't know if it has changed yet, did not try it again since then, but I think theres an issue on Lemmy's github repo about this

Me neither. I come from Reddit. :/