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Joined 12 months ago

So if I'm a male I can fuck my female dog no problem cos it's not same sex. Good to know.

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They undercut the sales of European vehicles which cost more.

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Westworld. First season was perfect and it concluded perfectly fine.

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Last year I've been punched by a policeman who then accused me of having pushed him against something unknown and having caused him a damage to the face worth 4 days. The prosecutor believed him and not me, archived my demand against him and went on with the trial of him against me. I'm psychologically disabled, I suffer from anxiety and depression and obsessive disorder and on September 27th 2024 I will be condemned for something I didn't do. This is ruining my life and there's nothing I can do about it cos I'm unable to withstand a trial, even considering they'll sway in my favor.

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A towel.

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I switched to Mastodon yesterday.

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Isn't it time to call the anti-monopoly?

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I'm white and I was punched by a cop in front of my house last year that then denounced me of hitting him, falsified a medical report, forced a courier to testify against me and of course has his partner who confirms everything he says. No matter the fact that I recorded with my phone him saying that he hit me (in self defense he says but in the report he wrote there's no mention of a self defense), asking if I had cameras (if not he could tell whatever he wanted), that he pushed me the prosecutor is accepting his version. So fuck the police. I'm disabled by the way.

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I'm so tired of Musk...Can we please shoot him into the immense vacuum of space aboard one of his precious Teslas?

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I used to make porn gifs.

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Weirdly they don't mention Steam...

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More work for the intelligent ones that don't discriminate.

A beanie with atrocious headphones inside it. 5 bucks on Amazon. They should pay you to buy it and even then…

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They make some great RPGs ;P

For some reason I love this meme.

Maybe you're not really paying attention to the radio but when you listen to music you do and it is fatiguing after a while.

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I need toilet paper with his mugshot printed on.

I'm all for filling holes!

Outrage seems common everywhere today. The good thing about it is that it lasts five minutes. And then they get outraged by something else. Oh, btw I had prescription inserts done for my quest 2 and the company required a prescription too.

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Is there a way to convert it to use Godot or Unreal? I understand nothing about programming a game but... oh damn

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Yes, as I said in another post I was punched in the face by a policeman who then accused me of having done that to him. He falsified the medical report while I had no marks, he forced a courier to testimony in his favor and has the version confirmed by his partner. The prosecutor believes his story even if I presented evidence in the form of a recording where he admits to hitting me but in self defence (there's no mention of that in his report) he asks me if I have cameras (just so he can say whatever he wants if I don't have them), he admits to pushing me (another thing he denies in his report where he says he accompanied me gently in my garden). None of this was taken into consideration. I tried two times and was rejected by the prosecutor who wants to archive my demand. I'm waiting to be condemned for something I didn't do. I'm a pianist and I'd never use my hands to hit something and I'm disabled and visually impaired. Nothing seems to matter.

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In a while ASUS won't be able to sell its phones in the EU. I guarantee it.

I'd argue "free Google car" sounds like it's a free car from Google

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Speed limits. If it says 50 and I'm going at 50 honking is useless.

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Especially German dams.

Elon Musk should never ever appear on Technology

But why?

I own a Pixel 7 but I hate that you always have to reach a compromise on something. This time it's the SOC. The Tensor G2 is a toaster. I looked for the Galaxy S23 and it has camera issues with shutter lag.

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The Matrix. I saw it at least four times in the theater.

Me suffering from anxiety and depression since 93, under meds, especially SSRIs: I feel bad. A friend of mine: get yourself a girlfriend.

Yep, we have really expensive fashion boutiques on the promenade where I live. Nobody seems to enter and shop there. Ever. There's usually a shopkeeper, female, who sits there all day, adjusting the clothes.

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But piracy has no impact at all. Pirates never wanted to buy your stuff.

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Antitrust, sorry.

And it'll never be.

Let him be the first patient.

What value? It has none. Zero.

Who'll pass it on us.

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Wit for men. There's nothing sexier than making a woman laugh. Sheer intelligence for women. Once I had an erection listening to my ex gf reasoning.

Not the shitty movies we’re pumping out as if there were no tomorrow.

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Fuck him with a steel dildo.