Europe is looking to fight the flood of Chinese electric vehicles. But Europeans love them

Lee to – 249 points –
Europe is looking to fight the flood of Chinese electric vehicles. But Europeans love them

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They undercut the sales of European vehicles which cost more.

Oh no, capitalism hurts itself in its confusion

"Capitalism breeds innovation and drivers prices down!"

Capitalism: no not like that

Unsustainable Chinese state subsidy is not capitalism.

Unsustainable state subsidies are not capitalism. Remember it’s not just the Chinese that do this kind of stuff.

Of course they are, subsidies are one of capital's favourite methods to siphon money out of the populace. Or were you under the impression that greedy people like playing fair on fair markets?

It's literally socialism but for the rich.

US government shoving millions up the asses of the their industries: capitalism

China shoving millions into their industries: communism

Yours faithfully, the brainwashed USAian

Every country does some level of industry subsidy. So it's kind of baked into capitalism now. And, technically, has been since the beginning.

yes, it is, USA also do that, and others countries with fossil fuel

Yes, and the EU largely responds in the sectors of US subsidy. Food imports are restricted. Airbus and Boeing are constant sources of trade spats, etc.

Chinese subsidy makes American subsidy look like childs play. Their response to China should match that discrepancy.

They are talking about car subsidies which China does and not all countries do in all markets.

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It's not that simple. Caricatures are easy, but the fact remains that the Chinese auto makers are heavily subsidized and it's that government support that allows them (partially at least) to undercut the European auto makers.

That being said, the European auto makers really deserve to be hurt for their arrogance. And that's coming from someone whose income is directly related to how well they do.

If the EU bans Chinese cars, that's not capitalism in action.

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