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Because you're training a detector on something that is designed to emulate regular languages closest possible, and human speech has so much incredible variability that it's almost impossible to identify if someone or something has been written by an AI.

You can detect maybe your typical generic chat GPT type outputs, but you can characterize a conversation with chat GPT or any of the other much better local models (privacy and control are aspects which make them better) and after doing that you can get radically human seeming outputs that are totally different from anything chat GPT will output.

In short, given a static block of text it's going to be nearly impossible to detect if it's coming from an AI. It's just too difficult to problem, and if you're going to solve it it's going to be immediately obsolete the next time someone fine tunes their own model

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Yeah. There are valid copyright claims because there are times that chat GPT will reproduce stuff like code line for line over 10 20 or 30 lines which is really obviously a violation of copyright.

However, just pulling in a story from context and then summarizing it? That's not a copyright violation that's a book report.

Misleading as hell titles for this running around. I thought she was just driving fast based on what I saw in the headlines last week. She totally deserves the murder charges.

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Dear conservatives.

If you want eugenics allow people to abort and do generic testing on their kids before they're born. It accomplishes the same thing without the brutal state control and human rights violations.

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According to the TSA frozen water is allowed past so long as it is totally frozen and not slushy and has no water at the bottom of the container. Basically make sure it's really damn cold before you leave and hope it doesn't melt on you.

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This is more grim than inspiring. Children shouldn't be making weapons of war.

For one, just... No, they should be playing. Necessity is necessity but if your can tell them no, tell them no

For two. All that which builds weapons is a valid target of the enemy. Do not make kids a valid target.

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People learning lessons from this need to go look at their business in China and reconsider

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1 - Russia tries to force migrants into Finland.

2 - Finland closes borders.

3 - Russia forced to accept migrants.

Perfect outcome.

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Windows 11 coerced me into being an Ubuntu user.

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Remember that at the end of the day these people are still people and although soldiers of an enemy state still deserve some basic respect and human decency.

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These attacks don't work in the long term. You can confuse current systems like clip but the moment a new one is trained your system stops working.

on my iPhone

Next step: get an Android so your can use the real Firefox

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Yeah, they want the right only to protect who copies their work and distributes it to other people, but who's able to actually read and learn from their work.

It's asinine and we should be rolling back copy right, not making it more strict. This 70 year plus the life of the author thing is bullshit.

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But why male models?

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It's incredibly convenient for companies.

Big companies like open AI can easily afford to download big data sets from companies like Reddit and deviantArt who already have the permission to freely use whatever work you upload to their website.

Individual creators do not have that ability and the act of doing this regulation will only force AI into the domain of these big companies even more than it already is.

Regulation would be a hideously bad idea that would lock these powerful tools behind the shitty web APIs that nobody has control over but the company in question.

Imagine the world is the future, magical new age technology, and Facebook owns all of it.

Do not allow that to happen.

People at the internet archive literally gave away all the books they had in the library for free to as many people who wanted them, basically pretending they had a right to copy the books as many times as they desired as long as it was under the guise of being a library.

Not only did they deserve to lose this case, they displayed such arrogant weaponized stupidity in making that decision that I'm surprised they weren't trying to screw themselves over.

The internet archive is awesome, their decision in 2020 was fucking stupid

This could be fine if it didn't immediately send all of your data to the internet.

But as is, fuck that and fuck you Microsoft.

Windows told me I don't have permission to do something. On my computer. As an administrator. Using the command line.

Fuck Windows, fuck Microsoft and their controlling asses, and fuck co-pilot and Open AI for contributing to artificial intelligence not only being closed source and proprietary, but encouraging the United States government to make it literally illegal to do it on the open source field as well.

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Luke was basically a kid, not general material

I've got no clue what China is really wanting with the seafood ban

To stir conflict and make Japan out to be the bad guy using misinformation.

Hot take.

Memes are common things that have existed as long as humans have.

Historians of the future will not only understand our memes easily, but because they're (hopefully) more advanced future humans with better technology and culture they'll be sharing memes that put ours to shame.

They're not going to be confused.

They're going to cringe.

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A basic fundamental of copyright law and fair use is if the result is transformative. People literally do stuff like make collages with copyright works and it's fine in many cases.

Turning pictures into an AI model (and that's being really generous in my phrasing as if the pictures have anything to do with the math) is just about one of the most transformative things you can do with a picture.

This is like copyright 101 and if you're shocked you don't understand what you're talking about in regards to copyright.

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Open AI has been a farce ever since they disabled access to GPT3 for the sake of security.

We desperately, above all other issues, need to resolve the fact that big companies can win in court simply by paying until the other guy can't afford to keep dealing with the legal system.

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If you think those industries work on the competency of their programmers instead of the competency of their systems you've got a big surprise coming for you

Russia threatens some brand new off the wall nuclear power weapon like this every couple of years, remember the super deadly powerful nuclear torpedo?

They don't have shit

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Why would you buy GTA 6 after 5 became a live service game? Fuck rockstar.

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Proud to be one of them. I tried to disable the job that runs windows update, they said I don't have permission, so I switched to Ubuntu on every single computer except the one that runs VR games.

As a bonus, as an enthusiast for artificial intelligence stuff, more programs run on Linux than they do on Windows

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on Steam and the Epic Games Store

All I wanted to know. Good news. Fuck epic.

This is becoming standard operating procedure from companies that want a quick PR boost.

That's not how that works. Bonds cannot just be asked back like that, they mature over a standard set of time. All you can do is try to sell them to other countries.

And if you do, you're just going to drive down the cost of US debt, the Fed will have to increase interest rates so that people buy from the fed instead. Basically all they're going to be able to do is put a lower bound on American interest rates.

That would be bad, but at the end of the day if the US government needs to fund itself it can still print money.

Also a fire sale on US debt means they have to actually trade it for something. That would create a massive correction in the Chinese economy as there surplus of excess capital and trade turns into a huge deficit, all the factory jobs disappear, American manufacturing booms, and they get the value of what they've produced over the last 20 years that since on the dollar as they fire sell the United States bonds.

Lose lose lose lose lose. I would happily encourage the Chinese to try to do this.

(I hate myself for saying this)


I'm pretty confident next to none of them supported the Taliban. It really wouldn't matter if they fought or not because they are a tiny minority in their country, and their contributions wouldn't have changed a thing.

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Fucking finally.

Nearly 10 years is a long ass time to be in jail for a random angry act.

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It establishes the TPM as a common hardware requirement so that these companies can lock down the web and their hardware to kill your right to control your own shit.

No, but when you're fighting the Taliban it's pretty important to use.

Is that inconsistent?

It's really weird, but Christians have this whole death cult thing going on and it requires Israel be around for revelations to happen.

This means that hitler and the resulting creation of Israel was literally part of God's plan and this guy will support Israel still existing with religious fevor.

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But why does it even matter if they do it correctly or not?

Because people with a case of the give a damns would give a damn.

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A review isn't a conclusion. It's an overview of a product. A slapstick video where you throw together a system to review something and fail to even use the right graphics card when you HAVE IT ON HAND is just assinine in terms of being lazy and not doing your job right

You see comrade, this is misleading title. The mighty Russian rouble is worth one mighty Russian Rouble.

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