
3 Post – 319 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Anti-nuclear people in here arguing about disasters that killed a few k people in 50 years. Also deeply worried about nuclear waste that won't have an impact on humans for thousands of years, but ignoring climate change is having an impact and might end our way of life as we know it before 2100.

They're bike-shedding and blocking a major stepping stone to a coal, petrol and gas free future for the sake of idealism.

The biggest enemy of the left is the left

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Bucket in the shower to collect run-off water for flushing? Thought it was standard until I learned people don't even bother turning the faucet off when brushing their teeth.

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Tighten the restrictions again please. Back China into a corner so that they can innovate themselves out of it and we can have some proper competition. This is great news.

What a dumb assumption to make that China would crumble without Western tech. Do they think the rest of the world would just return to the dark ages ? Do they believe non-Westerners can't think? So dumb.

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Why is this being presented as "whatsapp will be the one and only" instead of "whatsapp won't be the only option"? The DMA will users to install nearly any chat app and chat with users from another chat app.

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Horny parents outraged that their obsession is also teaching their kids.

"She's on OnlyFans!"

How do you know?


Plus 125k in student loans and ~50k salary? What the fuck else is she supposed to do?

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Several Islamic groups have also condemned the program in a joint statement, fearing it will favor “hypersexualization” of children.

Aren't these the same people that think marrying girls at 10 years of age is fine?

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I can't help but laugh. Isn't Phoenix home to some of the most vocal climate change deniers? Must be just local weather as it's not happening anywhere on the world. Sicily experiences these kinds of temperatures on the reg.

What do you call those people who remove the filters from their exhausts? Smoke-drivers or something?

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If you want to explore the most toxic community on the internet, install Dota 2.

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Because they ain't confirmed shit

Weren't these the same people that didn't want to help out Ukraine?

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If Apple supports any "right to repair" bill, it's probably not entirely what you want.

Hopefully people in India are spreading the world of Linux. Blessed they be.

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The danger would be important entities like governments and banks using attestation. Then you'd be limited to using only Chrome, Safari and Edge, and Firefox could kiss its ass goodbye.

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Lol, a car industry that hasn't innovated in years is suddenly threatened by innovation. Still, fuck cars. We should make them nigh obsolete with better public transport.

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I lived with people who would have full political debates with a tooth brush in their mouth and the tap on.

Why does it matter how much I use? Agriculture uses 20 times more than I do!

Said after a tossing half their food away...

Mozilla, please stop aping Chrome. Copying is rarely the way to win big.

Yes! Please. Firefox devs should fork and make an org that focuses on Firefox alone. Make it a true competitor to Chrome/Chromium. Innovate instead of copying. Be something different and get rid of your management with fat salaries. It could be much better used on development and improving the web.

Both sides do awful things. Everyone should stop.

But let's be honest here, the area didn't belong to the zionists for a really long time. The international community forced Palestinians off of their land and for a good 70 years Palestinians they have suffered. Zionists should not have been given the means to invade the Palestinians.

No audio jack --> nope.

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With these updated routing tables, a lot of people were unable to make calls, as we didn't have a correct state

You're relying on windows for critical infrastructure? Are you nuts?

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I don't understand what the point of a blizzard launcher is - steam is already a launcher.

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Not sure there was a red circle in the film

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It's not genocide, it's self-defense /s

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If the studios don't switch to Godot and contribute back, they'll be setting themselves up for another Unity a few years down the line.

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Bro, Apex Legends is a shit game. They're doing you a favor.

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USAian society has probably told you there is some kind of formula to calculate whether it's alright. Fuck that. Treat her like a human, not some input to a formula. Be decent, communicate, and if she's fine with it and likes you, that's all that matters. Society shouldn't come between you and another human.

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Stop begging them, stop using them.

Android is opensource. It has closed source components, but they aren't necessary to run Android.

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I had to battle with the fucking initd and upstard before systemd. Those stupid headers of the scripts in /etc/init.d/ we wonderfully undocumented, didn't have syntax checks, depended on a bunch of other shell scripts that didn't have any damn comments in them.

systemd was going to happen sooner or later because nobody was going to put up with that bullshit forever.

Those people arguing about "do one thing right" blablabla don't care about principles, they care about superiority. They want to feel like they're the minority who can do stuff so that in forums they can be toxic and respond with "RTFM" or "LMGTFY". They don't want it easier and more functional, they want it hard so that they can gatekeep.
Like a bunch of Catholics: I experienced pain, so you have to too!

systemd can containerize services! To do that kind of stuff with initd, you'd have to know how create process-, user-, and network namespaces, and a bunch of other stuff.

A video, since the website doesn't seem to have it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3yDx\_VWPd8

Bro, who are these people trying to normalise ads? Do y'all work for ad-companies or have you been brainwashed enough to believe ads are the only way? Ads are a braindead problem for another problem looking for a solution.

Fuck ads. Write that 50 times. If isn't through your skull after 50, write another 50 and repeat until it is. Fuck ads.

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  1. English not the first language for about 7.5 billion people on this planet.
  2. More people with English as a second or even third language have a higher reading and comprehension level than the average USAian
  3. Many people simply do not know how to write correctly, which only exacerbates the problem

The average American reads at the 7th- to 8th-grade level.


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I guess you're not an opensource developer. Let me put it in terms that you understand:

Let's say you're a pizza delivery dude. You have to be out every day, delivering people to rude customers, no matter the weather. It's hot and your balls are sweating off, if cold and your fingers are freezing, there torrential rain and you get soaked for every delivery, but bossman don't care - you have to do it!

To relax, you have a hobby as a wood worker. It's your passion! You make small things to make life a little easier or things that look cool to you.
One day, you buy a cupboard that's been all the rage. Every store out there has it and it's flying off the shelves. But after a few months there's something annoying about the way it works. Not a problem for you, the handyman, the woodworker. It takes a few weeks, but you've designed, built, and tested a few solutions to arrive at something that works. It's not beautiful, it's not trendy, sexy or anything, it just works.

Thinking to yourself "hey somebody else might find this useful", you put the designs online. To your delight, there are a few people using it. Very few "thank you"s, but that's fine, at least it helped somebody.

Then one day, some dude writes a comment about your solution titled "Build something beautiful or GTFO".

Tell me, how would that make you, as the hobby wood worker feel?

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Also "selfdocumenting code" writers who are forced to document their code.

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If you're working, you aren't on vacation

No wonder they are sending so many people to jail due to corruption. It's as if they are sabotaging Ukraine's war efforts. One could compare it to treason as I bet Russia wouldn't be able to destroy 1/3 of humanitarian aid - and I bet they're trying hard.

That dude just has to step down. He's only making it worse for himself.

Interviewer: What's your biggest flaw?

Interviewee: I'm too direct.

Interviewer: I don't think that's a real prob-

Interviewee: I don't give a fuck what you think.

Spoken like somebody who has literally never opened a book.

They were pretending to be afraid of the "gay agenda" when we had to be afraid of the conservative agenda. These guys are nuts.

This reads like a copy of the steps taken by the NSDAP in Germany in the 1930s

AMD has better hardware support because they are more active in contributing than intel. Also, they have overtaken intel in terms of efficiency (price per watt, price per Hz)

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