How Stuff Works replaced writers with GPT-generated content and laid off editors to – 662 points –

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People really don't understand the current state of LLM, like the pictures generated "Its a really good picture of what a dog would look like, it's not actually a dog". Like a police sketch, with a touch of "randomeness" so you don't always get the same picture.

I'm guessing they will try to solve this issue with some cheap human labour to review what is being generated. These verifers will probably not be experts on all the subjects that the llm will be spitting out, more of a "That does kind of look like a dog, APPROVED".

Let's say I'm wrong, and LLM's can make as good of an article as any human. The content would be so saturated (even a tumblr user could now make as good and as much content as one of these companies), I would expect companies to be joining in on all the strikes šŸ˜†.

Funny world we are all going into.

Boas Entradas

One thing I disagree with is the assumption that anyone could create the same article by themselves. Coming up with a good prompt is a skill in itself and not everyone is equally good at it. I actually believe a prompt writer is going to be a new profession in the near future.

As usual with new technology, some jobs go away and new ones appear.

Are we assuming AI won't be able to create a good prompt? šŸ˜‚

Iā€™m guessing they will try to solve this issue with some cheap human labour to review what is being generated.

They already do. These current "AI"s are starting to look more and more like Mechanical Turks, except with a couple hundred third-world wage-slaves inside the box.

Yea I think currently LLMs are in a stage to 2x or 1.5x the speed of a writer, but not really replace them.