will twitter last or will it die?

socalledrates@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 46 points –

is twitter gonna die like tumblr did.?


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I think it will last... Until big companies doesn't use it anymore.


I forgot to explain why.

Many big companies uses Twitter to announce things, like new products, updates, etc.

I think when they all stop announcing on Twitter, or even change to another platform to continue their announcement (for example, some of I used to follow have been moved Mastodon), these users will think that there're no reason to use Twitter anymore, then Twitter would less known, and less users use it afterwards.

Which companies are on Mastodon?

For me, afaik, a local press company I followed a while moved to Mastodon last year, i think that's counts. Rest of them are YouTubers, OSS devs and individual users, etc.

I think Microsoft is on Mastodon too.

Edit: Oops, that's dotnet from MS, it is official account though