Is lemmy growth coming to a halt? to – 213 points –

Lemmy world was growing at a decent pace leading up to July 1st, then had a big influx following the API deadline. However the last week in particular has seen a decline.

Engagement still appears to be the same, although a little lower than the start of the month. A few of the other instances i have been checking follow a similar pattern.

Do you think we will continue growing at a steady pace, or do we need another big trigger to get users to migrate? For Mastodon, it seems there's a big trigger every other week to drive users away from Twitter, but with Reddit, the revolt seems to have quietened down considerably.


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Honestly, I want half of the people on reddit... to just STAY on reddit.

There is a lot of toxicity that I don't want here....

There is a lot of toxicity that I don’t want here…

It already is... :(

It could be far worse. But, its not that bad yet.

Yea, I don't want to sound like I'm arguing here, but there is a generally negative vibe that is being replicated here on lemmy as it was on reddit:

  • Too many Elon Musk twitter posts
  • Too much climate change doom & gloom
  • Too much political doom & gloom

The toxicity is already here when you browse "All." I've just blocked most of the offending communities for a better experience. The list grows longer every day... but that's just my opinion. I think we can all agree that browsing "All" is like playing mental health on nightmare mode.

Perhaps that is why our experiences differ- I only look at my subscribed communities.

Which- in my case, ALL would yield around the same results as I run a pretty small server over here.

Although, after testing, that does not appear to be the case.



Not- a drastic difference- but, a noticeable one.

I Imagine this difference is especially noticeable on the larger servers though.

Sorry, I stand corrected. Found myself into a thread where apparently half of lemmy thinks that vandalizing others peoples property is ok... because they drive an SUV.

Yep, I got downvoted for suggesting that vandalizing the car was not a good plan..

Edit: I think you're actually talking about a different thread. Lemmy needs therapy.

It absolutely is... And I'm starting to burn out of this place more everyday.