can we please keep this community about technology and not Twitter/X and elon news? to – 2165 points –

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It's literally a tech company. The laws the company tests are all about the impact of tech.

They are not sellung technology. If i could buy a license to run twitter on my server then you would be correct.

Twitter is a socialmedia company . Just as uber is rideshare company

In your mind a company has to sell tech to be a tech company. Is Google a tech company? Were they not a tech company when they developed a sorting algorithm for the web? Were they not a tech company when they started spelling targeted advertising based on that algorithm? Of they were and are.

The laws the company tests are all about the impact of tech.

This could be said of any large multinational.

BHP is a multinational mining company worth 4x twitter which tests laws around the impact of tech. If they wanted to re-brand would that be tech news ?

Exactly. And when BHP tests laws in ways that are newsworthy people can discuss them here. The disconnect in your logic is hilarious.