Amazon faces potential break-up as FTC finalizes antitrust lawsuit | The FTC is getting ready for the big one

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Amazon faces potential break-up as FTC finalizes antitrust lawsuit

Amazon faces potential break-up as FTC finalizes antitrust lawsuit | The FTC is getting ready for the big one::undefined


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“Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress” or something like that.

Brings back memories to when Obamacare was announced. Did it go far enough? Hell no. It was a step in the right direction and it was still derided. Those who are ripping down the system brick by brick have a singular vision and understand it's a series of steps to get to their dystopian hellscape. Why are those primary on the left unwilling to accept anything that isn't a fully realized picture of their ideal society?

In fact I'd argue a large part of why the system is falling apart is those who want to see it improved are unwilling to do those small incremental changes for good.

Makes me think about how cynicism pervades online communities and media. Seems like a lot of people can't get themselves to hope. People need hope to accomplish anything.

People are becoming less and less able to be rationalized with.

A lot of valid triggers have put us here. Housing. Inflation. Income inequality. Identity politics. But it's gotten to the point where people are frothing at the mouth. Daily I see a comment about "eat the rich" and anecdotally they're getting more and more aggressive.

We are tipping toward bloodshed unless things change drastically soon which I doubt will happen.

Why are those primary on the left unwilling to accept anything that isn’t a fully realized picture of their ideal society?

Because at this point, it seems more like theater than actual intent.

What came first, people checking out or the system stopping working for us? Or does it even matter?

The right sure seems convinced we're hurtling leftward with communist dictators like Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden leading the charge with the tenacity of the Bolsheviks of yore. I'm guessing the reality is somewhere in between that and perennial fecklessness.

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