should we be discussing reddit less? to – 485 points –

Seems like a good portion of the activity in the communities is reddit oriented. If the goal is leaving/hurting reddit, it seems we should be continuing on like it doesn't exist, instead of continuing to drive interest to the site. Thoughts?


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Half of the content I see on here is about reddit, and they're also some of the most active posts. I feel like anyone looking for an alternative to reddit might take one look around and conclude we don't have much to offer besides bashing reddit.

There had been a daily reddit megathread showing up on my front page, and I thought that was a good middle ground.

The same was the problem with mastodon when we got a lot of users when failon musk bought it, people will get rid of it in a while and we'll get to discuss interesting stuff.

Also, the communities that would be providing the interesting stuff in the first place are still in the process of getting settled in.

I don't think we need to consider optics like that. If all we talk about is what we want to, the people who want to talk about that will stick around, and the people who don't won't. I doubt it'll stick around for too long though.