Please show entire pictures when opening to – 20 points –

When opening a picture, only the thumbnails are shown instead of the actual pictures



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I am aware, and I am talking about the imageviewer in Jerboa, which I wrote. Currently Jerboa uses default jetpack compose image with CoilImage painter and some 3rd partylib to allow zooming. CoilImage does downsampling (reduces the pixels to increase perf when you can't see it anyway). During the zooming is probably where it goes wrong and it should load a higher res version. I'm pretty sure it actually loads the full image but I have not confirmed that yet.

Judging by the time it takes to download the pictures (after clearing the app cache) I'd say the full pictures are indeed downloaded

Oh, misunderstood you there, my bad. Hope you can figure it out. Could you check for me if another kbin instance, on another channel with images, does give you two urls though? I'm curious if it's supposed to be like this (2x same url)