MV [Jerboa dev]

@MV [Jerboa dev]
0 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'll take care of it

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I am working on a search/filter for all the feeds, but it is still gonna be a while.

He is the admin of his instance, upgraded one of his services. He is alluding it is a Lemmy issue and not Jerboa. Which it most likely is.

Basically, Corpos can use/copy your code launch TruthSocialv2 and not have to share their changes/contributions.

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Yeah I manage to reproduce it, I'll fix it by next release.

You only need to publish your changes to your users, if you are the only the user you don't have to publish anything.

Not sure if adoption by businesses is really wanted? Unless their goal is aligned with our cause but from profit seeking perspective I don't see how. But you are welcome to change my mind.

Jerboa doesn't have it yet but it's on the backlog

That was solved in 0.0.62

Jerboa forces HTTPS for images (Markwon plugin) because android doesn't allow to load http due to cleartext. I can disable this for older Android version but not in newer Android. There is a good reason for this as its much less secure. So instead I chose to rewrite http to https for links in markwon

I'll make a issue for this, it is supposed to work

The small font for tabs is a bug, and not intentional design.

Voting gestures have been made opt in.

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This has been implemented already and will be available in the next release

Maybe we can look into changing the default.

Do any like the swiping gestures? They need some finetuning.

Actually Jerboa rewrites all http links to https. Originally it was because of cleartext, it wouldn't load http images. But then I decided all links should be rewritten to http for security. If it might be too troubling I could change this but imo all sites should support https

Jerboa does not delete your account when it fails to reach the instance. Instead when it fails to retrieve your profile it falls back, to the defaults which is displaying the anon account.

I have a fix for this, and many other checks. But it still needs to be reviewed.

As the others said simply restarting the app makes another attempt.

btw your suggestion is already included in that PR

Can you post a screenshot?

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I'll try to reproduce this on Android 9, thanks for the info! Which phone do you use?

There is a issue for that already

That's not intended, what android version do you experience this?

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What's a wrapper in this context?

An app that's just WebView?

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  1. yes, I'll make an issue for this

  2. When it wouldn't let you reply, was it showing a toast/msg that u weren't logged in?


If you disable the option to show the navigation bar. It will show the entries in the sidebar.

I assumed originally that is how you accesed that screen. But it seems that I was wrong. But that was a bug that I had to fix anyway.

It seems we don't properly filter these actions in the mod action menu either.

I'll take a look at that too.

Btw you can see the actual version of your app by going to Settings > About. Or by checking the relevant app store

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What happens if you try to swap? I don't know what happens with a banned account.

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If this image uploads it's probably something else

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Hmm it could still be a permission issue but that would be on ourside to fix. Did you save this image in the same place as the others? If so can you try that. It might be that we don't ask correct permission on Android 13.

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That shouldn't be a problem, pictrs shouldn't be looking at the metadata.

I'm sorry, I'm not exactly understanding the problem yet. In the gif i can see you open the images. Is the problem that u open the lowres thumbnails and not the actual images? Bc I don't think it does that. I did notice there is apparently a limit to zooming into a image.

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Can you not swap to that account and sign out?

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What sidebar, your account list?

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For only that post it has the same two urls, the other posts seem indeed to have a different url

You can see the links here:

As in Lemmy deprioritizes it? It definitely doesn't, you can always change ur user agent to chrome. Would make it pretty much impossible detect it.

I am aware, and I am talking about the imageviewer in Jerboa, which I wrote. Currently Jerboa uses default jetpack compose image with CoilImage painter and some 3rd partylib to allow zooming. CoilImage does downsampling (reduces the pixels to increase perf when you can't see it anyway). During the zooming is probably where it goes wrong and it should load a higher res version. I'm pretty sure it actually loads the full image but I have not confirmed that yet.

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The thumbnail is the same as the url, I think this a deeper issue with the imageviewer

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Honestly I have never experienced this. Does it happen with specific images or is it just random? What version are you using, 0.44?

Every time I try to use the text link to URL ()[] and go to hit the "ok" button, the entire windows goes away. The work around is to hit the keyboard

Too be clear the popup action button hides below the keyboard?

Sometimes an instance will load but in unable to view comments (can't remember what it said) you need to clear the app cache to fix the issue

A refresh or opening the post again doesn't solve this? Could be just a timeout of the server?

Another bug is when you try to paste anything in the body it pastes it at the beginning of the body regardless if where in the text you have highlighted.

I don't understand what you mean. So for example if you put your cursor somewhere in the reply/ write comment body and you paste something, it is pasted at the very start instead of at the cursor? If that's the case I can't reproduce this. What keyboard do you use?

Thanks for the bug reports

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tapping home scrolls to the top when you are at home

The link i can easily reproduce, but not the paste bug, when i have some time, I'll try reproducing it with that keyboard

That was a bug in a lemmy 0.18.X, where it introduced sanitation against XSS. After XSS attack had happened. Which was introduced with the custom smiley feature, which allowed arbitary js to be executed on every client.

Which then was removed in 0.19. When I had discussion with the Lemmy devs that this responsibility lays on the clients to properly santize this. (Display text as text, fault layed in Lemmy UI)

I looked into it, you accessed these screens through the sidebar/drawer? Those weren't supposed to be visible for non admins as they are all admin actions

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