Suggestions for good ego-shooters on steamdeck? to Steam – 28 points –

What shoots well on the deck?


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DOOM Eternal is playable even with raytracing on the Deck.

Some more recommendations which run well:

  • Titanfall 2
  • Wolfenstein New Order
  • Terminator Resistance

These should also run without any issue:

  • Prey
  • Deathloop
  • Dying Light
  • Halo Masterchief Collection
  • Alien: Isolation (not really a shooter)
  • System Shock Remake

Just to name a few.

id Software are just optimization wizards. DOOM Eternal works like a charm in almost all modern hardware.

Nah there's no wizardry here. The game itself is actually very simple in terms of processing. You only see maybe a dozen enemies at once, if that, ever, and whenever you do its in a locked arena area. A tiny arena even.

As FPS games go, Doom is wildly simplistic, which makes it that much more impressive that it's as fun and repayable as it is. I personally thought the narrative actually managed to carry a lot of that weight (i loved the story) but it was also the gameplay itself - they did a superb job making the player actually learn the guns and why you'd use each one, rather than just letting them have a favorite.

Don't get me wrong though, I don't mean to belittle them. Doom is a chefs egg. Every cook can make an egg, but making a perfect egg every time is something that takes the mastery of a chef. Id is very much the chef in the analogy.

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