All Games Confirmed To Be Using Unreal Engine 5 So Far to – 63 points –

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Wasn't Satisfactory upgraded to UE5?

Yep, although its still on the experimental branch which is update 8. The list seems to focus more on upcoming titles than already released ones interestingly

Source because I looked it up to be sure:

Any benefits aside from maybe better graphical features? Is there improved performance, maybe? My only issue with the game is that it gets a little slow after you are self-sufficient, even with optimal factories. Not that it isn't unexpected in a game like this, but any little bit helping would be nice!

Apparently there are performance increases because the simulation of distant objects has been optimized. Here's the Devs talking about it.

Didn't UE 4 have shader loading issues too? Maybe it was UE3. Many UE games suffer from microstutters cause of this.

I've not tried it yet myself, i would check the satisfactory forums on either steam, here, or reddit if you really want to for discussion of it.