3 Post – 178 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

They functionally do, at almost all points in time there are enough capsules docked to the station for all astronauts to be able to return to Earth. The starliner capsule is currently able to return if needed, they are having it stay up there a bit longer to check things out to better understand why the one thruster is bad.

Btw for those wondering what is up with the post formatting, it's a post bot.

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Another fun thing is that at 0,0 in the center of the canvas it said "Never forget what they stole from you r/save3rdpartyapps" and later had a banner above it. We also had a few other places for the join-lemmy banner but that was the final location, and a big thanks to the Black Company discord server for helping with that.

Unless I'm reading it wrong thats exactly what they did, hire a third party, external agency to conduct an investigation. If the complaint is that it's biased because they paid them, then idk what else you wanted them to do. I could understand not fully trusting them still, that's your opinion and choice, but criticizing them for conducting a voluntary third party investigation is a little silly

Heres my analysis of what all has actually happened from a similar post with this article yesterday

From reading through the article and it's sources, here's what seems to be the case:

  • a simulation at Berkely National Labs with their supercomputing capabilities has verified that LK-99 theoretically has superconducting properties

  • Argonne National Labs also seems to be involved and doing stuff, but nothing official from them yet, besides maybe helping with simulation stuff

  • a Russian scientist is working on improving the synthesis process and has made some low purity samples that produce the Messnier effect, but higher purity than the original I think. It's all from Twitter (x) threads and a little hard to follow. Her handle is @iris_IGB

  • China National Lab (Shenyang) first principles analysis suggest gold and silver doping LK-99 will make superconductors as well. [Directly copied from article]

  • Under the guidance of Professor Chang Haixin, postdoctoral Wu Hao and doctoral student Yang Li of the School of Materials Science and Technology of Huazhong University of Science and Technology they have successfully verified and synthesized the LK-99 crystal. It can be magnetically levitated for the first time and this is shown on a bilibili video. They expect to realize the true sense of non-contact superconducting magnetic levitation. [Also Directly copied from article]

Direct source for last 2 points and also more info in general

I would give LK-99 a 95 percent chance of either being a true rook temperature superconductor or directly leading to the discovery of a true rook temp superconductor in the next few years.

A few caveats however: according to the simulation, the conductive pathways only forms when the copper bonds to a specific higher-energy spot in the crystal, so getting higher purities will likely need a fair amount of innovation on the production process. There are some other complications with the synthesis, so even if it is fully and properly confirmed with more papers and such it will still likely be a while before it can start to be used effectively.

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From reading through the article and it's sources, here's what seems to be the case:

  • a simulation at Berkely National Labs with their supercomputing capabilities has verified that LK-99 theoretically has superconducting properties

  • Argonne National Labs also seems to be involved and doing stuff, but nothing official from them yet, besides maybe helping with simulation stuff

  • a Russian scientist is working on improving the synthesis process and has made some low purity samples that produce the Messnier effect, but higher purity than the original I think. It's all from Twitter (x) threads and a little hard to follow. Her handle is @iris_IGB

  • China National Lab (Shenyang) first principles analysis suggest gold and silver doping LK-99 will make superconductors as well. [Directly copied from article]

  • Under the guidance of Professor Chang Haixin, postdoctoral Wu Hao and doctoral student Yang Li of the School of Materials Science and Technology of Huazhong University of Science and Technology they have successfully verified and synthesized the LK-99 crystal. It can be magnetically levitated for the first time and this is shown on a bilibili video. They expect to realize the true sense of non-contact superconducting magnetic levitation. [Also Directly copied from article]

Direct source for last 2 points and also more info in general

I would say with 95 percent confidence that: it's real bois!

A few caveats however: according to the simulation, the conductive pathways only forms when the copper bonds to a specific higher-energy spot in the crystal, so getting higher purities will likely need a fair amount of innovation on the production process. There are some other complications with the synthesis, so even if it is fully and properly confirmed with more papers and such it will still likely be a while before it can start to be used effectively.

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according to this the total land area of built up human development and infrastructure is also around 1%, seems a hell of a lot easier to mandate every building have a white roof. Especially considering most buildings have black roofs, it will be even more of a difference. Also will reduce energy consumption from AC because, as said in the article buildings panted with it have reduced need for cooling.

Roads could also maybe be painted or have a whiter material used, might make it harder to drive though

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one thing i would be interested in seeing is what kinds of games are causing these problems. I would bet its mostly your mobile gatcha games, at least that kid running away from home must be. A lot of actual psycological research goes into making those games addictive, so no wonder they are addictive. Having actual stats to back it up tho would be nice and could maybe get some restrictions on them passed, especially lootboxes as is somewhat talked about in the article

Yeah I'm not sure what the point about the moon waste is considering it's likely inside the remainins of lunar landers. The real space junk to worry about is all the stuff in LEO that will cause problems with satellites and such in the near future

KSP is finally starting to become reality! For those who haven't played, there is an equivalent engine in the game called the "Nerv" which functions on the same principle, and is an incredibly useful engine. It's cool to see this idea finally be developed into a real system

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Even then not always, for me it's if other people are relying on me to do something, but if it's just for myself I don't always get it done

you can absolutely look around, if you couldnt it wouldnt feel as real as real as it does. most of your regular field of view works as normal, for the most part you just use your eyes and head completely normally. it is a lot harder to look at things close up properly, not sure if its from problems with how its displayed or the screen or what though, its just my personal experience.

That sucks, kinda seems like they're saying 'we don't think you can do it on budget or on time so here's even less money to work with'. To be fair there are valid criticisms of NASA going over budget and time but also feels like congress just doesn't care that much about science

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Or... Electric trains? Perhaps?

(And the good ones with overhead lines not the shitty battery ones)

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Why in the hell is there a Facebook link on my Lemmy feed


I'm definitely going to be helping out with a join lemmy banner somewhere

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Yeah, while I agree with most of the reasons for not using brave in the article, I think the best reason is because it's chromium based and Google/chrome id doing the dumb WEI thing and hoped it would be more centered on that.

Great edit lol

These things have been around for a few years on the college campus in my hometown, it's not that new and they do work fairly well. Might be that it was a testing ground though

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Why not use Firefox?

Not really, even if it gets hot but doesn't warp it can still release harmful chemicals. I don't think it's as hard of a rule as not microwaving metal but it should definitely be minimized.

Oh cool are they attempting to replicate that one paper? I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it

Oh cool, it's finally back! I remember when it collected the sample, can't wait to hear about all the stuff they find in the coming weeks and months

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Yeah it's gonna be a shit show, but for anyone who wants to help draw people over here and take advantage of it, come join the community I just made to make a join lemmy banner on it.

! 2 hours

lets see if that works?

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To be fair it is only for a single satellite not being properly de-orbited, not for a whole constellation being a problem.

Because they are the same hole. Welcome to topology

Yeah top 4 browser are Firefox, librewolf, tor, and mull~vad~ for sure.

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Yep, imo it seems like this is just the first step of room temperature superconductors, there is LOTS of room for improvement, even if LK-99 itself isn't useful for anything real-world I think it at the very least is a jumping-off point for innovation on the concept, and finding more compounds that have similar properties

Somehow, I'm actually more comfortable with the military having small nuclear reactors

Good, cuz they've had them for years on submarines and maybe some boats too lol

Hell, SpaceX should be nationalized anyways.

Yeah it's all about ideal conditions, and same for ICE as the other reply said. Even external temperature matters for EVs too, if it's too cold the battery won't perform as well.

Wait, cargo shorts are 'out'? Shit. That's like most of my shorts lol, they're the best. For reference I'm 17 but not particularly fashion aware. Most of what I wear is robotics club t-shirt plus cargo shorts, jeans, or cargo pants. So don't feel bad about what you wear, just wear what's comfortable and you like.

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I doubt it, because the plastics would almost completely burn off, and while the concentration might increase I don't think it would ever be enough to leave behind substantial residue for quite some time. Plus most of the time ashed are kept in urns or distributed in places that already will have microplastics and other carcinogens

Yep, also id argue eggs are 'melted' by default, but if you froze and the reheated the egg it would then melt.

It's not fully phone free, they just "encourage" visitors to keep their phones away.

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A little less yeah, considering that there has been an increase in renewables for grid power, also it's much more efficient burn oil/natgas/etc. in a big powerplant than in an ICE car, so less is needed overall.

So yes. It does help. But electric trains are still better lol And we need more renewable grid power

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This posting by op is ironic based on their replies, but unfortunately it was probably created unironically, there are a lot of people who actually think like this

yeah was gonna say old TVs had a whole bunch of X-rays or wahtever in them that made the screen work lol