After Work Gaming: What games do you enjoy mostly after a day of work?

Xæ to – 204 points –

I am not a regular gamer, but once or twice in the week I am indulging in some after work gaming. Mostly I enjoy games that are either story rich to put different thoughts in my mind or games with a simple, but enjoyable gameplay (not too much micromanagement).

Here are my favorites for an after work gaming spree:

What about you, what do you play after work (even occasionally) to get your mind off or do you have any suggestions in general?


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For me it needs to be something that my two daughters can watch me play. If I want something quick I'll normally go for some Fortnite. I'm trying to decide if Remnant 2 is alright my kids to watch me play, if I decide it is that'll be my other one.

Oh, same here. Our eldest daughter sat through playthroughs of Horizon: Zero Dawn, Skyrim, Fallout, Portal 2 etc... Now she's old enough to start her own Skyrim playthrough. The youngest is still so small she thinks she is playing the game if you give her a dead controller/keyboard, so looking forward to many more hours of family gaming.

They (6 and 8) watched me play about half an hour of Remnant 2 the other day and they said it wasn't scary. My first area is the creepy Victorian city as well.

Yeah I'm rolling between grounded and Fortnite with my buddies lately. Kid safe and casual. Need to sit down for some single player soon though