Docker logging solution? to – 22 points –

What is everyone using for their logging solution? So far I’ve not really done anything and just tail the container log when something is going wrong but a more long term, robust log aggregator would be great.

At work I’ve used things like data dog and sumo logic for logs and would love a small self hosted version of that. I don’t think I need long log retention (more than a day or two) but retention + search and maybe the option to create custom aggregations based on those logs would be awesome.


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I use Promtail+Loki+Grafana on my home server, which is decently performant, light on resources and storage, and searchable. It takes a little effort to learn the LogQL query language, but it's very expressive.

I'm running it on Kubernetes, but it should be pretty straightforward to configure for running on plain Docker.

I have been really getting into logQL, but via the query builder in grafana, and only the basics. It is nice and easy when searching for particular words, or excluding them. A bit like grep

Yes indeed, and the ability to parse JSON messages and further filter the results is quite powerful.