7 Post – 165 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As far as changed your life, there are not too many that i really love, that made a massive difference to how i do things. But there is one:


ALL of my paper work, receipts, transcripts, tax, shares, council rates. Everything goes in there. We no longer have paper lieing everywhere (well, my wife is another matter, still keeps grocery shopping reciepts...). when i get soimething in the mail, i used the paperless app to "scan" it, upload it, then bin the paper.

An actual life change that i didn't know i needed.

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Classic bot. Don't you know who you are talking to!

I use it all the time with OSMand. and i have contributed to OSM for years. I just had a look - i start in Sep 2010 (13 years!) and all of my edits (except for a humanitarian tracing excersice for mozambique) i have been to. it is a niice spread:

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Great response. Love to see that it is not just us nerds on here!

"Uh oh"

Yep, top 6 And new.

The problem with new is that there are never any comments

Perfect timing! My instance is shutting down, so I need to sync up my subscriptions!


do you think that the matrix protocol may be a bit too heavy for this sort of usecase?

No, but i am lucky to have the choice not too.

Man fuck war. Imagine the PTSD that so many will have in the years to come

Yeah, musk smells fishy...

Why? I don't quite see the relationship between losing access to a domain, and it being uniquely bad for activitypub.

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Jurassic Park. I was young and watched it at the cinema. I was limp with terror. On my mother's lap.

I don't remember any nightmares after, but still remember the t-rex and the car scene as particularly terrifying

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i too miss this. capture the messaging market, and keep the stock SMS function!

With this move, i am more keen to see matrix make it to the big leagues.

well, there are a few things:

  1. using the app to take photos (in a scan sort of mode, where it trims it to be at right angles), really quick and easy, no matter where i am.
  2. remote access - i can view all of my documents where ever i am.
  3. easy & sophisticated search. I have my documents assigned to people (me, wife, child, etc). I also assigned them to things like payslips, tax, shares, legal documents, education docs, receipts, etc. it also helps to automatically tag them to some degree of accuracy
  4. Automatic dating, it is quite good at picking out the date of the document, as seperate to the upload date. and it is easily updatable if it is wrong
  5. OCR - the documents content is searchable!
  6. Ease of tax time. I have some financial year views that make it really easy for me to do my tax (Australia), and i dont need to go hunting for paper that has faded in the heat and is no longer legible.
  7. folders - the documents are placed in a folder structure of your choosing. if you change the details in the document meta-data, it will move it to the correct place.

so, whilst a folder structure would work. this is SOOO much easier, and provides much more functionality as it is not just storage. it also has WAF!

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Yes they are

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i want to see them transferred to fixed energy storage (ie, home power walls). they are no longer fit for a car, and the huge power draw required, but when you move that to a home, the capacity and power draw is miniscule.

i would love to see a company put that together, and have something like a rack mount, which will take in various batteries and gets them to be "hot swappable"

reuse, before recycle

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A clean up would be nice, maybe something where if there are no subscribers, or local user actions on a community (votes, comments) after a while it starts to remove them.




That's right...

Who ran that bot anyway?

that is not entirely true from a lemmy perspective. When an instance subscribes to a community, the remote instance gets the last 20 or so posts, as well as subscribes to all new posts from then on. IT has a local copy of that community. What it doesn't have is any of the embedded media.

AFAIK, this is similar to how matrix works too. I do not know if this is a lemmy implementation choice, or a AP standard?

Edit: haha, i just saw that i am the 3rd person to say the same thing. oops!

Just as a nitpick. I assume you meant foul?

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Yeah, I'm waiting for the day that it just works.

At the moment, MFA, hotspot and connect for lemmy are some of my requirements. I have also started with things like immich and open street map apps.

No wait, no I think about it, there are a lot of apps!

I imagine that Canonical is using it. In reality, i am just commenting here as i am also interested!

holy shit

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There are definitely a lot of different wine specific grapes. not as familiar with fruit grapes. typically only drink grapes.


No way! Wow, must be a pretty clever cookie!

This has been solved already.

4 chord song...

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But they are also going to struggle to monetise their content.

Does peer tube have monetisation features? Or would it all be sponsors, patreons and product placement?

Yeah, search all federated communities.

It would not be hard to get a list of all communities on each federated instance. Update it a few times a day, even once a day.

But this is the hardest thing for me, searching is a challenge

i miss SMS, makes it easy to sneak in a change. swap them to signal, where they do their SMS, and as people become signalified, then they start sending them signals. It was such a market creator for little cost.

Oh well.

Pretty. Crazy. And Latvia locking the border. No refugees from Russia allowed there.

Is this going to be massive, or just a tiny blip.

this chart (from your link) shows that the change has stifled the activity a bit. maybe a 10-20% drop in new posts per day. which is not insignificant. so maybe subscribers are rising, but the number of posts has dropped and plateaued (so far).

But i dont think it will ever go away, it was also my go-to place for a long time. Hopefully more of the posters and commenters head here!

I can reply... with jerboa.

Step one Tap reply icon

Step two Type reply

Step three Tap the paper plane

Step four Profit.

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ooo. this is a good question!

not sure about free or CalDAV, but i thought that proton mail was putting in some calendar function, and eteSync also do calendar, however, it is their own protocol (i think), not calDav. check it out though, it may work with an external CalDAV server?

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Any one used this?

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I too have (now) found the new front end! Woot woot!

And now I need to check out ViMusic...

You bad person who has taken more of my time! Thanks 😀

I need to upgrade my ubuntu 18.04 desktop to something now, as it is out of support.

Pop looked interesting, but I am definitely looking for recommendations. I would prefer to stay in the debian/ubuntu type dostro, as that is what I am most familiar with, and can't be bothered re learning!

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good question.

I think that you will find that vehicle batteries become unsuitable for locomotion far quicker than a phone battery becomes unsuitable for a phone. But i dont have any real proof.

I will note, that there are a bunch of written-off cars that have their batteries on the second hand market, that is another avenue for re-using batteries.