Video Platform with "chapters" & "transcripts" to – 13 points –

Hi faithful selfhosters!

I am looking for a solution that i can host, that will serve some tutorial and demo videos. But what it really needs is:

  • the ability to chop the video into chunks, and labels them with the topic. i think youtube calls them chapters?
  • Being able to upload the transcript, so that the content of the video is searchable too.

I dont think i need to have the transcript timed to the video (i guess that would be subtitles!), but being able to use the transcript and chapters as a method of searching.

I have looked at peertube, but i do not think it has that feature.



PeerTube does have chapters and subtitles and text underneath the video, but not build in to the search. At least not as I understand your text. How would you imagine searching?

Ah no, sorry, chapters are only planned for the November-December release this year:

hey thats cool! if it is coming, i am patient :D

I basically want to be able to use the standard search bar to look in the chapters, as well as be able to send links to people starting on specific chapters.

thanks for the roadmap update!

Sending links on chapters is kind of possible already by sending a link with a timestamp. But I like the idea chapters being searchable with the standard search, but this is not even possible in YouTube as far as I know. But it's a worthwhile feature to ask for I think.