no sleep gang unite – rule #1 post

Helix 🧬 to – 30 points –

I don't know what this community is but I post this so I don't get banned

pls don't ban me



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I will try to keep your tips in mind. Drinking more and going more outside is definitely something I should do. Also maybe I will install curtains to make my room darker. The weird thing is I don't really feel tired not sure if I trust the stats from my phone but the screen on time seems pretty convincing that something is wrong. I almost drink zero alcohol and I eat healthy. Maybe I need to take melatonin spray again it really helped me in the past.

I will try to keep your tips in mind.

another tip: try to use your bed only for sleep, not for scrolling through the Fediverse or just chilling.

The more you do apart from sleeping in your bed, the more your brain connects its synapses with the fact that the bed is not meant for sleeping.

So the other way around, if the only thing you do in bed is sleep, your brain connects bed = sleep and you'll fall asleep way easier.

Drinking more […] is definitely something I should do.

It's easier to drink more when you always have a full glass or bottle of water near you. If you're like me, get multiple and scatter them around the house in every room you stay in so you don't have the excuse that you have to walk far to drink something. If you see an empty bottle, fill it.

[…] going more outside is definitely something I should do.

If it's nearly time to go to bed and you didn't go outside, just take a walk around the block. This will take <10min in many cases and nearly no effort and you will normalise being outside more.