Helix 🧬

@Helix 🧬@feddit.de
17 Post – 506 Comments
Joined 2 years ago


If they would only follow crimes where people actually get hurt with the same passion as when wallets of corporations are hurt.

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It looks like an infrared receiver.

The general principle of these tags is explained in the Wikipedia article about electronic shelf labels.

You have shown us a Pricer label.

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Yeah, the anti-gay and anti-trans commentary really made me repulse.

Obviously. Came here to say this. The first president to listen to scientists.

Bernie Sanders.

You can set MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 to have it today!


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Only kicks upwards, not downwards. Has a backbone and principles. Doesn't value money over meaning. Likes to teach people instead of putting oneself over them.

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Been using Linux since 2004 and systemd has made my life significantly easier. People bickering about systemd are usually ultra nerds without arguments real people would consider important.

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a running gag in my immediate family where I claim to be terrible with computers

You don't want to be known as someone who can fix computers. trust me

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Masturbating is healthy, so who told you otherwise?

It gets problematic when you have health issues or social problems due to porn or if you neglect other parts of your life.

It's a way healthier addiction than a drug addiction though. Smoking, drinking, substance abuse in general are more harmful to your body. Even if you drink just one glass of wine every month it will probably be more harmful in the long run than masturbation.

I am surprised nobody said 'education'. Every dollar spent there generates two dollars of worth. Educated people have fewer children and pollute less. Educated people don't vote as many morons into power. I sincerely believe many problems of the world could have been prevented with educating everyone involved.

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I'd love to have a vscodium alternative written in a faster and more efficient language. Most editors and IDEs don't quite fit my workflow, while vscodium does.

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Harden my Kernel, daddy

Programming or scripting; usually Python would be enough to reduce the average repetitive workload of office workers by about 20%.

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The top result I get when I search Linux and sort by Relevance:

a meme with Kelly from the office saying "Linux is the most complicated OS I ever used. I mean, what OS does exactly what you tell it to? What kinda game is that?

How is that anti Linux?

  • Fluent Reader – to very quickly get a lot of news which I need for work
  • Beeper – for the 100 chat apps I need to use to stay in contact with my friends who don't use Matrix
  • Nheko – for the based friends who have [matrix] accounts and chats with industry professionals in my field
  • FluffyChat – mobile device [matrix] client
  • Logseq – as second brain, works better for me than Obsidian
  • Jameica – for online banking and accounting
  • K-9 Mail / Thunderbird – mail client
  • DecSync CC – for synchronising contacts with multiple devices through Syncthing
  • ActivityWatch – to track everything I do in case I forget to book time in my corporate time sheet, or if I want to know how long I played games in contrast to programming
  • KDE Plasma – best desktop environment boosting my productivity to about 140% of what I could do with Windows 10
  • Qalculate! – very fast and easy to use scientific calculator, can also do conversions like "1h50min β†’ min" or "15€ β†’ $"
  • Aegis – TOTP generator for mobile
  • VLC – plays everything you throw at it
  • mpv – plays everything you throw at it, if you installed the right codecs, and also does fancy ML-based GPU upscaling in my case
  • KeePassXC, KeePassDX – password managers integrated on Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Phone
  • Syncthing – to automatically and seamlessly sync all my devices (Laptop, Desktop, Tablet, Phone, second Laptop, Servers, …)
  • Firefox Developer Edition, Librewolf – browsing the web without Chromium
  • Chromium – for PWAs like Teams, Outlook, Discord
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Yeah it's basically Pulseaudio, but better. The devs have done a great job on iterating upon the already pretty good pulseaudio!

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Oh, I have just the things for you, as I tried every Linux drawing application under the sun a few years ago!

MyPaint has an infinite canvas and is perfect for drawing, you can use GIMP brushes with it as well.

Krita technically has an infinite canvas and you can go to Image β†’ Trim to Current Layer to enlarge the layer when you paint outwards. If you feel like you're constrained by a small canvas just allocate a very very large size like 40000x40000px and/or zoom inwards a little.

The difference between the two is that with Krita you can paint vectors and use brushes with them, meaning you don't lose resolution if you're zoomed in but are constrained to mathematical smoothing.

With MyPaint you can draw more effectively like you would on a real life infinite canvas and its feature set is deliberately kept very small to support your creativity by constraint.

Try both and see which one works better for you. For me it's actually both, but MyPaint for digital charcoal, graffiti and sketching and Krita for applications like logo design and digital paintings.

It's important to note that while both applications support other formats (like PSD for Krita), OpenRaster (.ora) is the primary format with layers that is mutually supported by both. If you're working between MyPaint and Krita, I recommend to use the ORA format to ensure that your layers are preserved when transferring between the two applications.

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not at all. the problem with this video is that the guy has literally no clue what he’s talking about.

Since you seem to have the most knowledge about that topic, why don't you explain where he's wrong instead of repeating yourself?

I'm all for sharing knowledge and educating people. Repeating that other people don't have a clue about something, while not demonstrating you yourself have a clue about it, is just wasting everyone's time.

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I found my partner 14 years ago in the hospital as I was lying on the same station as her mum was.

I can not recommend you slip off a roof and break your femur just to find love. There must be other ways. Please explore other avenues.

Don't brake in curves, whether you have a car or bike. Especially in slippery conditions.

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cba, can you upload a gif?

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That's not really an issue with DP itself, but with the operating system handling unplugging, if you allow me to be pedantic.

So that is why pizza delivery people are always so submissive when they fucked something up. We're always like 'no biggie' and they look like I just took a huge weight off their shoulders. Sorry you have to endure this. Humans are awful.

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Or the Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox One X/S, Xbox Series X/S.

Or Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11.

Someone at Microsoft just really wants people to know that naming is hard. I am pretty sure they're intentionally confusing customers so they only know what the current product is.

b e a n s

  • Took a muscle relaxant I'm allergic against and nearly died on my bathroom floor while unable to call for help, face planted into the ground, sweating and tasting blood, at 3am about 5m away from my deep sleeping girlfriend.
  • aqua planing with my motorcycle in a turn
  • skidding on ice with my motorcycle
  • wrapping my motorcycle around a tree
  • getting under a semi truck with my motorcycle
  • accidentally taking drugs which cause serotonin syndrome
  • drowning in a wave pool because I slipped (clinically dead for about a minute)
  • having a cramp at sea 500m from the shore
  • hitting a tree on skis at night alone
  • taking the wrong drugs, dissociating and waking up from the feeling of cold train tracks vibrating against my cheeks
  • falling out of my bed 10cm from metal feet of my desk

Come to think of it, I really need to get a motorcycle again. That was fun.

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Linux is free. How would it get market share?

Not all Linux distributions are free. A market share can also be taken by a product which is free. It's just a piece of the market.

You don't count OS market share by the amount of money you spent for an OS (because then, MacOS would be free, since it's technically given away bundled with Apple hardware) but by the number of installs.

But shareholders want big numbers.

the hardest part is doing backups and updates. Repeat after me:

no backup, no pity,

updates neglected, compassion rejected.

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For a while, I had butt.online as domain. You can also use subdomains like sexy.butt.online or licks.butt.online or fucks.butt.online... endless buttibilities. I set up my.wife@has.a.big.butt.online if someone wanted her email, butt that backfired...

Embracer, Extend'er, Extinguish'er. I hardly know 'er.

You mean manjarNO?

We hate Microsoft. Long live RMS and the flying spaghetti monster!

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I survived a drug induced coma and since then my brain just misses a lot of cells. I once had a pretty high IQ and nowadays I can be happy I remembered to take my pills in the morning. The most I can do is a low level sysadmin job, for everything else I basically lack the brains.

It's not really something I have experienced in a past tense, I experience this shit every single day. Hate to be ridiculed for my bad memory especially. My coworkers don't know that and regularly make fun of me.

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"I shat in my bed, can I sleep in yours?"

Kudos to that strong little plant! Let's hope it lived a long, happy life.

Sorry, I only know silly, goofy developers. Can't recommend this to anyone.

Clueless person dishing out a condescending 'no brother thats not how it works', comedy gold πŸ˜ƒ

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