One of the only remaining subreddits: r/Sinkpissers – For people who piss in the sink

Helix 🧬 to – 2 points –
For people who piss in the sink • r/Sinkpissers

I ran across that place by way of one of those r/subsithoughtifellfor chains, and read some posts trying to figure out if it was real, or just a complicated joke.

It was not a complicated joke.

I don’t really care if you piss in your sink or not, but does it really require discussion with a community of like-minded peers? It’s not philosophy or higher maths, what is there, really, to say?

You could say that about everything that isn't highly complicated. Don't kink shame.

We need more shitposting communities like this one. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a sink to piss in unzips

I think there used to be one called r/jizzonstuff too.