5 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Visual studio code. There's nothing else that's anywhere near as good that doesn't cost money. Those annoying terminal text editors just don't do it for me. I need code autocomplete and do not understand how there exist people who have the patience to get by without it. I do not have the time to be switching tabs 20 times a second because I can't remember function parameter overloads. That intellisense autocomplete is just too good.

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The thing is that Boost was a really good 3rd party reddit app. It was very stable and had a lot of attention to detail and quality of life things you don't notice until it's gone.

If Boost really is going to come to Lemmy and be in the same or similar level of quality as it was on reddit, it's going to be awesome.

The Earth is flat and the real reason Titanic sunk was because it fell off the edge. The submarine went too close to the edge and the waterfall flowing off the side caused the submarine to drift over the edge of the world and fall off.

I use Arch btw

The server runs on a 16mhz 386dx and has 16mb of ram. It just does that sometimes.

I'm poor and I hate stupid bullshit. The only way to personalize ads for me is to make them go away.

Yeah why the fuck is that? VSCode has no business being as good as it is. It's developed by Microsoft, after all. Are they planning to take it away from us and charge money for it in a few years? Why does it work on Linux so easily? Is it a government conspiracy to fill our brains with subliminal messages somehow? Wtf is the catch?

My best educated guess is that's it's a ploy of some kind. If Microsoft makes a free code editor that's really good, maybe no one will make a free open source one that's as good so that they will have control over the 1 most viable code editor? There are other things similar to VSCode but they cost money and are too big a pain to pirate because VSCode is better than them anyway.

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I'm more active here. You can actually post comments without idiots being toxic about it for no reason. You can actually make posts without them getting removed for no reason. It's great.

Usually, I do the simplest thing: all the stuff goes on one big ext4 partition. I don't make a separate partition for /home. I'll make a swap partition if I can remember but I've forgotten to do that before and nothing bad happened. The bootloader goes on a fat32 /boot/efi on the same drive as whatever the Linux install is on. This way I can swap around the drive to different pcs if I have to or easily change/upgrade drives without having to reinstall all my stuff.

This strategy works for dual booting Windows also. I'll put the windows install all on its own separate drive so it won't try to erase grub during a disk check or something. That happened one time. Also, by putting Windows and Linux on separate drives you can use the bios to boot between Windows or Linux if you mess up one of the bootloaders.

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This. When YouTube finally succeeds in making it impossible for anyone to use their website without watching ads, they probably still won't succeed in preventing people from downloading for offline viewing. When this happens I'm going to invest in making scripts that autodownload stuff ahead of time and I'll only watch whatever videos are in my home network.

Im not watching their brainwash bullshit ass propaganda. I'll find other stuff to do for entertainment before I give in to ads.

Weed. I want to make thc drug tests for any reason including employment illegal just to see if it really does cause the world burn or not (it won't)

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Buy a bunch of prepaid debit cards and use it to buy a bunch of random bullshit from ebay and Amazon. Won't be able to get anywhere near $1M worth of prepaid cards but whatever. When all the pointless shit shows up in my doorstep, resell for like 75% of its original value.

Like 2 days ago, it seems to have reached such a critical mass of popularity that once I set my feed from "local" to "all", I can just keep scrolling down and continue seeing new content. This is now sustainable for me and I can happily quit reddit for good as long as lemmy stays this popular.

I always get screwed pretty hard with Debian drivers. Just the other day I updated my Debian server to Debian 12 and then it refused to allow my atheros 9k PCI wifi card to work unless I rebooted after a cold boot. After an entire afternoon, I got to where it wouldn't work after a cold boot or after a reboot. I literally had to choose between buying a new wifi card or reinstalling Debian/a different distro.

I used to only use Debian for non-laptops but from now on I don't think I'll install any new Debian installations on anything.

I use my right hand to wipe my ass because my ass is very hairy and I need all the toilet paper precision I can get. I eat with my non-dominant left hand so that I can fuck around on my phone while I eat.

I've tried jeroba, liftoff and thunder. My experience with jeroba is mostly negative. It's not good enough to be a full replacement for using a web browser and with the new update it crashes on my older, not bleeding edge phone. It can't even open lemmy links people post half the time.

Thundar is ok. I'm not a fan of its interface but at least you can actually browse communities you aren't subscribed to.

The third one I've tried is Liftoff and it's the best one I've seen so far. It's about the same in terms of quality as Boost for reddit. You can explore new communities in other instances, have more than one active account logged in to be able to simultaneously use different instances and best of all there's a search.

Nice try, fbi

Every time I try to make money online without "getting a real job" they find some reason to fuck it up and pocket the money without giving me anything. If I'm not allowed to make money without getting a "real job" then I don't see how it's fair anyone else should be able to. This is why I pirate everything and don't do x as a service. I always use open source alternatives when possible. Maybe corporations should get a real job.

Fuck smart tvs. I only use tvs by plugging in my laptop via hdmi. It's only a matter of time before smart tvs start reporting people for stuff like watching pirated content or voiding TOS's with adblockers.

Dang I thought proton was older than that. I remember playing No Man's Sky on Linux around the time it was released on pc. I don't remember running a pirated copy of NMS just so I could make it run on wine but maybe I was. (you used to have to do that whether you owned the game or not if you wanted to play on Linux).

Premarital sex in the state of Utah prior to 2018.

One time I baked a whole entire cake for myself. There was no occasion or anything I just wanted to have a cake and eat it too. It turns out cakes are really big and it's really hard for a single person to eat a cake faster than it turns all spongy and icky.

Nope. I hate poop.

Because "freedom" can mean 1 of 2 different things depending on how big of an asshat you are. Should freedom mean being free to do what you want or should freedom mean being free to take away other people's freedom? This is the issue.

Half the population in idiotic US states that ban everything think they live in one of the most free states in the US.

I use gitea to self host my own git projects internally. I only post the really good and well-refined stuff to my actual github.

Are you kidding me, here in the bible belt this theory is already widely accepted as a hard fact /s

Interesting. I think joules are dumb and hate seeing them in games like factorio. I'm sure joules are better in applications that don't concern the average person but I'm a random idiot not a scientist at nasa. Just show me kilowatt hours so I don't have to do math in my head. 1 joule is 1 watt second already there's no point in making things more complicated.

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No one spends more time thinking about other people's genitals than Christians do.

Actually, I thought it was a Microsoft product for some reason. Turns out I'm wrong and it actually is FOSS.

There was this guy on an old forum named "budsmoka" that once very shittily spray painted a cannabis leaf on his ps2

I doubt my experience was the same as everyone else but I tried to install Debian on my gaming pc a week ago and I could not get Nvidia drivers to work for anything, there were no relevant search results and no one on any message board had any ideas. I gave up and installed Arch and Nvidia drivers without making any hardware changes and it was so unexpectedly easy I still can't believe it.

I use Debian on my server so I was shocked that it was basically impossible to get Nvidia drivers working, at least on my chipset.

If take a shit do I still need to wash my hands?

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Thanks. I knew this table existed but couldn't find it.

inability to freely save and load in a game

Oof. That's a really major downside. Bummer.

Edit: just downloaded to see for myself. You seem to be able to save and load, at least in singleplayer on pc.

Fuck ads. They always fuck me when I try to make money online. If the only way I'm allowed to make money is with "a real job" then they should "get a real job" too. Fuck 'em.

Workspaces in Linux window managers. I thought it was a dumb idea at first but I tried it and found workspaces are great.

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If there's a free software alternative to what I want to pirate, I always use that instead. Software is like sex. It's better when it's free.

I only remove brown recluse spiders, most other types of household spiders can be trusted.

I normally use C++ for making new games or misc projects from scratch but I think I could save myself some work using C#. I've done a lot of Rimworld modding and I like the way C# works. I really like how versatile C++ is though. If I want to make my program work on an old Athlon, I can compile with 32 bit and sse1. I would be surprised if it were possible to do that with any C# compiler but I also haven't researched to find out.

We should all be thankful we've made it this far without anyone pushing for genocide against all their non-supporters tbh