Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS) to – 39 points –

Just for the heads up, this thread will probably have a lot of spoilers. I'm gonna try to go vague on spoilers for anybody that hasn't played Hotline Miami 2. If you've played the game, you'll probably know what I mean, but I'm going to say some purposefully esoteric shit to keep it out of full spoiler territory.

My pick has to be Richter's plotline from Hotline Miami 2. One part that makes me cry is when Richard, arguably a god of death, helps Richter escape from his previous entanglement. In these games, Richard doesn't show up to help. He shows up when someone did some fucked up shit. Richard consistently shows up to help Richter though. He just tells him "run" in that moment and you feel the fucking urgency to get out like nothing else. One of the harder levels I've ever played, but holy shit I wanted Richter OUT. I was so frustrated with the game but I just would not stop until Richter had escaped.

Hotline Miami is a series of bad endings, but there are 2 happy conclusions in the sequel, both are direct consequences of Richter and his love for his mother. His ending isn't even THAT happy. But there's something about his final conversation with Richard that just made me fucking bawl the every time I played. Richter's indifference to what Richard is saying. He barely got any time to enjoy what he had been fighting for for years. But when he knew it was over, he was comfortable because he was just vibing with his mom in Hawaii like they had always wanted. He was just happy that he got to spend his last days with the person he loved the most.

His love for his mother can even give Evan, the writer, a happy ending where he picks up the letter instead of the pen. Richter's plotline manages to poignantly deliver the point of Hotline Miami 2 in one short and digestible bit. Love the people you hold close. Wanting violence only brings violence. The only way forward to true peace is accepting whatever terrible situations you're in and just going forward.

I could rant about this forever. It was just such an amazing part of the game. What are your favorite emotional moments from games?


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When the big brother dies in Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. The game is short, but does a great job of getting you emotionally attached to these brothers. Even through the controls, you control both brothers at once with each getting half of your controller. When he dies, it also essentially kills half of your controller. I found myself trying to move the brothers together as I have for the rest of the game.

Such a great way to implement gameplay into the emotions of a game. It was like after someone died in real life, you keep thinking about messaging them all the cool things you find that they'd like only to realize they're not there. You just sent a meme to a phone number that hasn't been paid for in months. Maybe you even start paying the phone bill so you can keep hearing their voicemail. Continuing to reach for half of the controller that can't do anything now is just amazing.

I was playing this game with my 4 yo daughter, giving her a controller pretending she was controlling the younger brother. We would talk to the characters as if the younger brother was her and the elder brother was me. It was an amazing experience. Then the elder brother dies, and it's not even a quick thing. There's a whole big segment of the younger brother carrying the elder brother's body and burying it. My daughter doesn't exactly understands what is happening, but keeps getting more and more upset and scared, and keeps asking me why I wouldn't wake up. That segment fucked me up as I was trying to get through that part while also trying to comfort my daughter.

I cried that whole bit with the controller feeling like you're missing an arm. So exact a representation of grief.

But the last scene, where the father simply falls to his knees at his son's grave. He's been granted his life back at a price no human parent would ever, ever accept. I cried racking sobs. It was so awful and true.

This game is my answer as well. I held it together through big big brother's burial. When I lost it was in the epilogue when I realized I needed to press big brother's action button for little brother to pull the big lever. I literally wept as I pressed that button.