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Joined 1 years ago

“After this brutal belittling, gaslighting, and sexual harassment, you’re gonna have a lot of baggage. And the best way to carry it? The LTT backpack!”

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How does anyone have the impression that the UAE is anything other than incredibly corrupt and fucking medieval?

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Good. Transphobic shits are not a protected class.

I’m hard pressed to imagine a worse suicide method. Huge potential for harm to others, permanent disfigurement and lifelong pain, and unlikely to succeed. I guess that’s the joke, but, damn

Genocide. Genocide. The fucking word is genocide. Fine reporting I guess but if the publication is going to directly allude to camps, they might as well use the goddamn correct term.

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For directories, it’s permission to cd into it. Read is whether you can list files, and write is remove, rename, or create new files. Don’t ask questions about the secret sticky bit

I want to like this article and to share it with my relatives to help explain what I am so angry about. But it is so thick with irony and deep-cut references that even I, a long-time extremely online dude, had trouble parsing all of it.

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I call bullshit, that avocado is underripe as hell

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FIDE have been little more than mobsters for years. I wish I could say I’m surprised.


That heavily depends where you are, what your support looks like, and of course, what your internal resources are. The point of coming out is both to live your life authentically and to improve all LGBTQ+ people’s safety and fulfillment by improving visibility and thereby acclimate the rest of the world to our existence. I don’t know if it was always a “celebration”—certainly for many of us it has been a fight—but it’s still worthwhile.

Each of us has to evaluate our own risk factors. If coming out of exposes you to more danger than you can sustain, then don’t do it. I have been assaulted (without real injury), been called names, and had death threats. I don’t like those things but I don’t regret being out.

Yeah, go to Russia, dipshit. Exile works for me.

This. So tired of “reporting” that might as well be science fiction. Write an article when they have a fucking working prototype.

It’s some weird Christian comic. With explanations below every comic. I was so put off I didn’t bother trying to find this specific one.

Makes perfect sense for the bizarreness that is r/196’s trademark though.

Thanks for this hopeful update. Show that the asshats do not represent ordinary Texans.

Dead orca. Came upon marine biologists cutting up and disposing of a beached orca, and the smell was like a physical wall, and then a repeated series of roundhouse kicks to the face and eyes. Just an indescribable stench, regular rotting meat dialed up to dimension-warping, sanity-threatening levels. I will never forget it. I would never ever have got closer, but my girlfriend was driving and she knew one of the biologists and was really interested to chat about it right next to the pickup filled with chunks of tail. Just unreal all around.

I’d use pie filling and call it “jelly” idgaf

Reported, banned, defederated, and consigned to everlasting flames.

But contracts equal morality! Ayn Rand gave the Holy Writ on this, I believe it, that settles it!

It would be a net gain for humanity if the earth swallowed up these studio and streaming execs.


Built a 30-year career on this.

Still stupid.

This will get deleted, but fuck you.

As someone from New Mexico, I’m just happy to be included (Americans often assume it’s a country outside the USA)

Heartening to hear of law enforcement taking this kind of terrorizing seriously. It remains the exception but I hope that changes.

Now we need one of those memes with an armored-up titan defending teensy singular "they". The titan is labeled "Shakespeare".

Annoyed they left out pentagonal chess

I have seem this exact scenario, in the 90s, at I think the Dead Milkmen’s final show. It was such an iconic moment. Glad to know it wasn’t a one-off!

I remember in my university's then-Gay and Lesbian Association (getting the "B" added was a whole thing) we got leafletted by the North American Man/Boy """Love""" Association (spit). Had to make a motion to reject them entirely, which is gross it even needed to happen. Happily it was unanimous.

“Even the New York Times have propagated [anti-trans disinformation]…”

That’s not “even”. The NYT have been an enthusiastic participant in trans genocide many, many times.

Instructions unclear, am now bisexual

As someone who didn't make it into law school, and didn't keep trying partly because people who knew me well figured I'd likely have a stroke from rage as an attorney, I appreciate your wholesome and optimistic outlook you've carried into the career. Keep fighting the good fight!

Ding ding ding! We have a safe mode of robot transit: trains. See, we know exactly where they will go because they run on rails. Literally.

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I can’t believe commenters here are trivializing war like this. We’re better than this.

For example, we could be adding cool cartoon “boioioioing!” sound effects.

As a New Mexico native, I endorse this defense of our proud cultural heritage of blundering nuclear accidents

Greece was also praised for banning so-called ‘conversion therapy’ for minors and other ‘vulnerable persons’, as well as prohibiting non-consensual surgeries performed on intersex countries.

As a citizen of Intersexia, this is encouraging news.


I feel so seen

I'm actively considering getting a used Pixel and putting GrapheneOS on it, which is a highly locked-down, de-Googled Android phone. That won't do anything to keep me away from social media and the like, but it will stop 99% of tracking, which is perhaps my biggest beef with smart phones. I want the smarts to serve me, not FAANG.

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The most beautiful language. Why doesn’t every language have pipes?

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I feel like Russia’s military is probably the worst offender as far as discrediting Russia’s military goes

I cried that whole bit with the controller feeling like you're missing an arm. So exact a representation of grief.

But the last scene, where the father simply falls to his knees at his son's grave. He's been granted his life back at a price no human parent would ever, ever accept. I cried racking sobs. It was so awful and true.