Whats your must-have FOSS app?

tiring7616@latte.isnot.coffee to Free and Open Source Software@beehaw.org – 88 points –

I love the Infinity Reddit app (but gonna miss it).


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  • F-Droid for FOSS apps

  • Aurora for Google Playstore apps

  • OSMAnd for navigation

  • Oeffi for public transport

  • many Simple Mobile Tools apps

  • K-9 Mail

  • Tor browser

  • Shelter for isolating apps

  • Tusky for Mastodon

  • Jerboa for Lemmy

  • Nunti for RSS feeds

  • Molly for Signal

  • Telegram FOSS

  • Aegis for 2FA

  • QickDic (dictionary)

  • TinyWeather

  • Threema Libre (not free)