China to limit teenagers’ smartphone use to two hours a day to – 298 points –
China to limit teenagers’ smartphone use to two hours a day

also bar users under the age of 18 from accessing the internet from 10pm to 6am.

Meanwhile, a tiered system will mean those under the age of eight will be permitted a maximum of 40 minutes of usage a day, with up to two hours permitted for 16 and 17-year-olds.

Children aged between eight to 16 will have their time limit capped at one hour. ‘Teenager mode’

The proposed reforms are open to public feedback as part of a consultation process scheduled to run until Sept 2.


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These are teenagers - if you make a law telling them not to do something, you're just making them want to do it. There's a reason why young Russian hackers are some of the best - it's a direct result of the restrictions Putin put on the Russian internet. The CCP just made the dark web cool, and I have a feeling that once this law goes into effect, we're going to see a whole generation of Chinese hackers inspired to hone their craft as a result.

Russia is a dysfunctional oppressive mess.

China is a functional oppressive mess.

It makes a difference.

young Russian hackers are some of the best

[Citation Needed]

When I think "young Russian hackers" I think, "folks that broke into ATMs, Bitcoin scammers, and organized crime." That doesn't make them amazing hackers it just makes them unethical opportunists.