What are your hobbies?

silentdanni@beehaw.org to AskBeehaw@beehaw.org – 51 points –

Hey folks,

I have been trying to find some new hobbies to keep my anxiety/depression at bay. It seems, however, that my mind is not creative enough to find interesting things to do. So, I come to you to ask: What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?

Here are the things I've tried:

  • Going to the gym (This is more of a habit than a hobby nowadays)
  • Gaming (I've been getting less and less out of it as I get older)
  • Bouldering (It's fun, but not without a group of friends)
  • TTRPG (I can't seem to find a steady group or one online, but otherwise, it's very enjoyable)
  • Learning a new instrument (I started playing the guitar and I love it)
  • Philosophy (Is that a hobby? I enjoy reading and reflecting on it)

So, folks, what are your favorite pastimes?

Thanks :)


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  • Walking my dog - Better awareness of my neighborhood/getting to know my neighbors. Fresh air, sunshine, and time to work through my thoughts helps me stay clear headed. Cardio is good for you.

  • Fencing - both physically and mentally challenging. It is basically violently enforced meditation. Hella fun and is great stress relief. Cons - can be expensive and relatively few adults.

  • Reading fiction - I enjoy getting lost in other worlds. Helps to disconnect from the internet from time to time

  • Yoga - reduces random aches and pains from sitting all day at work/high impact activities. It just generally feels good afterwards.

  • Curling - team sport I do with my spouse. Throwing shit and drinking/eating afterwards is nice. Good community to socialize with.

  • Watching movies/tv/YouTube - Lots of great stuff out there. Easy to do too much of this one, especially youtube.

Oooh... How... how expensive can be fencing? Because, kinda.. sounds fun?

It can depend on where you're located and how deep you get into the sport. For beginner classes, in my area, they are ~$100 for 6 weeks. It gets more expensive once you need your own gear and if you choose to compete and/or take private lessons.

I think the most comparable comparison in costs are probably club hockey and club soccer.

Oh That is actually.. not that bad. I think, once I find a job again, I will definitely go for it. Thanks