You didn't bought it you rented it! to Lemmy – 4101 points –

I hate that everything now is a subscription service instead of buying it and do whatever you want.


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HP have been on my shitlist for so long. Everyone needs to have a shitlist. Anti consumer behaviour should never be forgotten.

On a side note, Vodafone are also on my shitlist. I did give them a reprieve once only to be reminded of why they were on my shitlist.

People, get your shit together.

Anti consumer behaviour should never be forgotten.

I still don't buy Sony products after that time they booby trapped their CDs to install malware on everyone's computers.

Yikes. They are all at some way to squeeze the consumer to ride higher profits for shareholders.

Greed will never go away.

I couldn't believe everybody else was just OK with that. I thought they'd go out of business over it!