Is there a website that offers similar kind of content as YouTube, except in a written format rather than a video one. to – 51 points –

I'm someone who just much prefers reading to watching YouTube — I like being able to go at my pace.

So I was wondering if anyone here knows of any kind of website or app which has long form written content about interesting topics. Thank you! :)


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You're looking for blogs. Get an RSS reader and subscribe to blogs. Also, of course like others are saying, books.

I recommend buying the $100 Kindle with e-ink (or any other e-ink reader) and downloading all your books off of

It's a one time investment of $100 but you get free books forever.

If you have a local library, please use that as well. Especially if they have a digital library catalog.

Seriously. Get an ebook reader.

Mine has been my main medium of reading books for the last 8 years. And it will easily last for more than 10 years. And honestly, it's just better than paper books anyway. Waterproof? Backlight? Font changing? You charge literally once or twice every month so it's not a concern at all.

I buy paper books if I really loved it. For basically anyone, IA and libgen is way, way more than what you need.