Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

Eureka to politics – 812 points –
Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

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"I have confidence that he won’t be elected" I had that confidence the first go around... and that didn't work out so well. The last election gave me a little bit of hope back, but that we're even having this discussion in the first place, that Trump is even in the running, isn't a good sign.

Well experts say that Biden has a good chance of winning if he runs against Trump. In fact, Allen Lichtman has predicted every election correct since 84 except Bush vs Gore. But that was due to Florida fucking with the votes. He himself says Biden has a strong chance of winning if Trump is picked as the Republican forerunner. Which they obviously will pick him.

The problem with 2016 was that Republicans clearly couldn't take having a black president for 8 years to then go and have a woman be the next president right after that. Then Trump who just said any and everything to appease to then crazies of this country and they came out in droves. As well, Hillary just wasn't that charismatic in her debates

Hillary had a whole lot of baggage going into that election, then the Dem primaries didn’t really do anything to strengthen her, if anything it fractured the party even more. She was an establishment candidate in a ‘change’ election, just the wrong fit for the mood.

Another big thing is that a lot of people didn't like how the DNC snubbed Bernie. He was clearly in the lead until I think it was South Carolina? And then Hillary all of a sudden was the pick. Most people I know (and it could be cause I'm Gen Z and what I see due to my community), wanted Bernie and Bernie alone and we're very pissed

Yea, that was a big slap in the face and I think made a lot of people realize that the fix was in, Hillary was "the anointed one" that election and wasn't going to let another Obama come along and take the nomination away from her. I was still even holding out hope that Sanders would at least get the VP slot, just some sort of seat at the table.

Still though, anyone who just skipped voting out of spite helped hand the election over to Trump, gave Republicans all those Supreme Court Justices, which got Roe v Wade truck down, probably contributed to Russia invading Ukraine, and a host of other problems that came down from the 2016 election. I thought Bernie was the best choice by far (though maybe he still would've lost to Trump, who knows), but held my nose and voted for Hillary regardless because the election was more important than just getting my preferred candidate.