Now that Sync and Infinity are out, which do people prefer? Also, how do they compare to the existing lemmy apps? to – 281 points –

I have about 5 different apps installed right now, and while I plan to test them all out, curious what people's conclusions are thus far.


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Waiting for Apollo to retool themselves and come to Lemmy. That would truly hurt Reddit.

Memmy is Apollo like but only available for IOS for now.

I use Memmy but it just isn’t polished like Apollo was. I still find myself wishing Apollo itself would come to Lemmy

Voyager strives to replicate the design of Apollo and it is just released on Play Store today!

Yeah, I'm using Voyager as well, but if Christian Selig would decide to retool Apollo, and bring it out for Lemmy, it would instantly introduce MILLIONS to Lemmy. That product was huge.

I guess that was Reddit's problem, the 3rd party clients attracted eyeballs on their own. Reddit no longer owned these eyeballs.