Killing ssh-agent deletes socketfile on one debian, on another debian it remains

Jakob to – 31 points –
Killing ssh-agent deletes socketfile on one debian, on another debian it remains

I asked on stackoverflow for my problem. And i will ask here too...

Does anybody know, what the problem could be?


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I start for every connection-group an own ssh-agent with different ssh-keys in it. And i connect from my laptop sometimes (regulary) to my desktop-machine and forward the agent to the desktop. This is a setup, i need.

And i have a script, which chooses from ssh config, (Match section) the ssh-agent i need for this connection-group. This script starts automatically an ssh-agent and loads the identities (private-keys, hardware-token...) into this ssh-agent and per configfile it is choosen as IdentityAgent.

When i'm connected to my desktop with my laptop and i work on my desktop, then i use the forwarded agent, because i have some keys only on my laptop, which i want to use also from my desktop. So i link the forwarded agent-socket to the IdentityAgent, which is configured in ssh-config for this connection... When there is no forwared ssh-agent, the symlink is deleted and a new agent is started with a socketfile on the same path.

It sound's a bit complicated... and yes, it is.

An i don't get it, why sometimes the socketfile is deleted and sometimes it remains. Now i tested it from home on the remote-connection. The temporary, forwarded agent-socket is a symlink to my regular socket-file. and i killed the running ssh-agent... and also the symlink is removed.

It is strange behaviour... a process unlinks a socket-file, which does not belong to him, only the name is the same... and not every time.

It is strange behaviour… a process unlinks a socket-file, which does not belong to him, only the name is the same

That is what I would expect it to do actually. I would expect it to close the socket it has open and the delete (unlink) it by name.

I expect, it deletes the socket, which on which the process is listening. what if i rename the socket (for some reason). Then the socketfile should be deleted also.

Directory operations like unlinking (deletion) traditionally work via paths, not open file handles.