Now that Sync and Infinity are out, which do people prefer? Also, how do they compare to the existing lemmy apps? to – 281 points –

I have about 5 different apps installed right now, and while I plan to test them all out, curious what people's conclusions are thus far.


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Nope, closed source. Connect is closed too. Not all apps are FOSS.

That's unfortunate. Imagine being a Lemmy user, writing a closed source front end for Lemmy, oof

Nothing wrong with someone picking a non-FOSS license for their work. And it's a direct port of an existing closed-source client for Reddit, so there was never any reason to expect a different license.

It's just another option with its own pros and cons. I wouldn't pick a proprietary app if there's a FOSS one that works for me, but I'm happy others have the option to decide for themselves what they value.