Trying to build critical mass for small communities to New – 89 points –

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Hi, I'm focusing on generating content for a few communities that I feel can be successful and have less content than I expected:

EDIT: I did not create any of those communities

I would encourage anyone to participate if you like those topics.

Do you know any other niche-but-not-too-niche communities in which we could focus efforts?
Please, don't post very long lists, I'm already subscribed to almost 300 communities and the idea is to focus on a few ones.


EDIT: Added descriptions for each community.


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a few others and i are trying to get some of the imaginary network off the ground - the ones i'm particularly fond of are imaginary trains and imaginary dieselpunk, but there's a whole list in the sidebar

unfortunately a considerable chunk went down with, but i'm in contact with the guy behind them and he plans to reopen them soon

Posted one on each community, good luck!

thank you!

(also, i'm flattered that you think i look organised, i'm very new to this so i don't feel organised at all)

Note that I said: "you look a bit more organized than small subs", and that's not a very high bar, hehe :P.

More seriously, I thought you were related to reddit's Imaginary Network, which is huge and with some big power-users.

If that's not the case, then more props to you!

Note that I said: “you look a bit more organized than small subs”, and that’s not a very high bar, hehe :P.

oi! and i thought you were nice

More seriously, I thought you were related to reddit’s Imaginary Network, which is huge and with some big power-users.

nope, not at all. they're just the only subs i still follow by rss, and no-one else was making them here so i took up that mantle. and now i have 7 imaginary communities... and there are at least 2 more that i want to exist, so i'm hoping someone makes them soon

Then I will include them on my watchlist and will try to post at least from time to time.

As I said in other comments, thanks to all of you who create and moderate communities. For now, I'm just trying to generate content, which I know is the easier part.

Then I will include them on my watchlist and will try to post at least from time to time.

thank you, i do appreciate it

As I said in other comments, thanks to all of you who create and moderate communities. For now, I’m just trying to generate content, which I know is the easier part.

well i haven't actually had to do much moderating yet — i've mostly been balancing seeding some content without spamming the local feed; as well as discussing them on matrix, and sometimes promoting them on threads like this when i remember

Indeed, you're doing a great job, thanks for the efforts!

I've been seeing Imaginary Network's posts on my timeline. I thought about including them in the OP, but you look a bit more organized than the usual small subs, so I chose to focus on other parts.