Minecraft's recent EULA changes place heavy restrictions on Java servers

brachypelmasmithi@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 310 points –

Just spreading awareness about whatever the fuck Mojang thinks they're doing. Given their enforcement of the EULA, or the lack thereof, this probably isn't going to have as huge of an impact, but I think it's still something worth talking about.

Here's an article on dotesports.com if you don't want to visit Twitter.

The Minecraft EULA itself as of 2nd August. I've got the attention span of a rat on cocaine, so if someone could check if Rock solid's points are an accurate summary of the EULA, I'd appreciate that.


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Servers with ANY content not suitable for 10 year olds are now prohibited

This is just ridiculous. What makes them think they get to decide what grown-ass adults do in their own private servers?

They are about a decade too late to child-proof Minecraft. A lot of the children they might even claimed to want to protect are adults by now.

Can't be fucked to read the EULA, but the added context under the tweet says it's about pornography/gambling/etc in for profit servers.

... Which is still ridiculous overreach, but not what the original poster said.

I really can't wrap my head around why. Doing this on public servers I think is annoying, but there's at least some logic to not wanting kids to stumble into mature content. Private servers though? What could possibly be the reasoning?

How exactly would Mojang enforce this for private servers?

AFAIK it's purely based on a player reporting system at the moment. So as long as you completely trust your server mates, you should be fine.