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Joined 1 years ago

They don't care about people using it, they might even personally do it themselves.

It's about reducing their liability, which this does just fine

That's the thing though - they deliberately made the product crappier after people already bought it.

Think this applies if Denuvo is included from the beginning, but it wasn't here

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People fly first class, people fly businees class. Some have the money.

Also, for some, the time saved is worth much more than what the ticket costs, especially in business (expensive consultants?).

why is NASA doing this with tax dollars

The resulting aircraft/technology can be sold to commercial aviation and/or be used for military purposes

something obvious

NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, so it's kinda in scope

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lmao you're so wrong on ads being more profitable than premium, especially on a per-user basis

According to this you can expect to make around $18/1000 views. That's with 55% going to the creator and 45% to Google. Which means that Google makes around $14.5 per 1000 views.

Coincidentally, that's also rougly the price of YouTube Premium. Are you telling me that you watch a thousand videos per month?

They do, unfortunately

It being a status symbol becomes kind of irelevant if every other person has it

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Won't work, can't work.

There are companies which have insane revenues but tiny profits - let's say manufacturing, where you need to pay a shitton for materials and workers, just to get a bit in return.

There are also companies where the main source of income is selling people's time, say a consulting firm like McKinsey. Their income/revenue ratio is gonna be totally different from the first example.

I'm sure there are good ways to do it but this ain't one of them.

zfs is available on Linux just fine

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It's illegal if the fact that a service fee would be added wasn't shared before ordering (on the menu / by the waiter /...)

Well, it's a disorder, it's right in the name.

If people "liked" it, they wouldn't be taking meds to help them function.

I'm not hating, just think we should take things for what they are

Edit: sorry, thought we were talking about ADHD

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By investing into research of this airplane, the bulk of the costs are going to be manhours.

How is paying engineers going to cause brain drain?

Wouldn't fit very well into something like a smartphone though

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That's literally it though

I don't know, being in jail means they won't be able to pay for the child support.

I'd say the better option is a driving ban, with a hars punishment if broken. Making them live on the verge of poverty is IMO better as a punishment and it's better for the child / society in general

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Why should software be free?

Yes, pure html pages are so much better and nicer to use!

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Source for the revenue? Was only able to find figures in the $50-70bil range.

Profit $20-30bil.

Do you understand the case enough to make a more accurate judgement based on the relevant laws? I don't, but believe that the court does.

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If you flew above treetops, you'd consume considerably more fuel because of air friction.

This is, honestly, a dogshit "article".

You either pay or you leave. Spotify wins, in both cases

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There's a big difference between "heated" and "burnt" tobacco. Same as with weed vaporization vs smoking, vaporization is much healthier compared to inhaling burnt plant material.

Also a valid solution to the poop on the carpet problem.

Just saying

How exactly would Mojang enforce this for private servers?

Renting doesn't just mean that you can't afford to buy. It's got other advantages, like not having to deal with repairs, upkeep, being able to move pretty much on a whim... Guess that's worth it to some ppl

I had three cards from Kingston and SanDisk fail on me quite regularly while using the Pi.

M.2 / external storage is definitely the way to go

You can't just say that and leave come on

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I've just killed the popup with uBlock and it's pretty usable, was driving me mad before though, fuck that shit

They're a public company, they're required by law to share financial info.

Do you perhaps have better data though?

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If they did, it'd be the same as the "enhance" tech from the tv shows.

Blurring causes information loss, the blurrier it is, the more information is lost.

After a certain point, so much is lost that nothing's gonna help you get it back.

40TB of storage is around $800, or $33/m for 2 years, which is like two subscription services.

Also, you can share what you've downloaded with friends, further driving down the cost compared that what would be paid to the corps

They might be allowing them to run the boxes for free, but the ISPs are saving money on bandwidth, too.

Get enough users for the ISP to care and they'll work with you. Otherwise, you probably don't have all that many users to begin with, so the overhead that maintaining and distributing these boxes would create wouldn't be worth it anyway.

They will be bypassed, if more countries join the push

Nah, it forces them to sell over the ten years, since if they wait up until the last moment, the market's gonna get flooded, meaning they'll have to lower prices to be competitive

Love it

Honestly, they'd be stupid not to take it.

Imagine how much you could do with a billion. It'd perpetually sustain the organization, it'd allow them to hire translators and writers, resulting in better content for all of us.

Hell, I'd take it, and 99.9% of people on this planet would too.

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I've heard that Baldur's Gate 3 was a massively successful launchday title, though it's not my cup of coffee.

There are still good games around, just unfortunately not the majority of them

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not stopped at stop lights if they're turning right

That's because it's actually allowed in the majority of the US

It's not a discount, it's a surcharge

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Microsoft might take over Chromium.

Nobody's taking over YouTube, at least not for long (or without massive changes).

Wouldn't YouTube try to "optimize" it destroying your data in the process?