The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. to – 1263 points –
The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

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Gizmodo's metric for success is that "The last major holdouts in the massive protest against Reddit’s controversial API pricing have relented, abandoning the so-called 'John Oliver rules' which only allowed posts featuring the beloved TV host in certain dissident subreddits."

This doesn't seem like a good metric to me. I'd like to see monthly revenue and traffic. I'm sure we're not going to see revenue, and the sites I found that report traffic are conflicting. One shows a clear decline ( and the other shows a clear increase (

The traffic indeed increased. It was the same for twitter too. Elon did report that twitter usage is at an all time high now.

The main reason is probably people getting interested in controversy. E.g. me. I was visiting reddit maybe once a month, but after these changes, I was visiting it daily.

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