Ubuntu or pop! os

Lime66@lemmy.world to Linux@lemmy.ml – 39 points –

I'm planning on moving to linux from windows(personal) and macos(work use), although I prefer mac os, so I don't really want to use mint, and I feel like I should add that I don't care if GNOME isn't that similar to macos, I want something different, and I also use my computer for gaming


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Gotcha. Thanks for sharing. We’ll see what happens with Snap. I mostly use APT anyway. I had some few cases of Snap where it even wouldn’t update itself.

I’m willing to bet snap is here to stay. Unless Ubuntu saw a drop in users since this was announced, and I haven’t heard anything of the sort except anecdotes.

Snap is important for Ubuntu’s embedded and cloud ambitions. It is not going anywhere. At least, that is my opinion.

I do not use Ubuntu ( for a few reasons - including Snap ).