Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Chloyster [she/her]@beehaw.orgmod to Gaming@beehaw.org – 59 points –

Hey all! Another weekly thread is here.

This time I am also hoping for some feedback!

If anyone has any ideas for more weekly thread topics you would like to see, go ahead an leave a comment below!


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I’m excited for starfield so I started playing through Fallout 76 to scratch the bethesda itch which led to me starting fallout 4 again, which led to me staring new vegas again too, and then committed to finally 100% achievements for Fallout 3 after all these years.

Have you ever tried Daggerfall? It's really cool seeing how much influence it's had on so many different games.

You should check out fallout 1 and 2 while you're on a fallout kick, I played them for the first time after playing the Bethesda games and they have become my favourites in the series

I’ve tried but the turn based combat is so hard for me to get used to and enjoy. If I could just skip combat encounters to get all the story I totally would

Hmm that's fair, I prefer turn based combat but it isn't for everyone.